Chapter 25

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S. A. A


I opened my eyes when I felt the carriage jolt to a quick stop, sending me lurching forward. Rubbing at my eyes, I looked out of the window, my mouth dropping open at the scenery.

We were perched in the middle of greenery, with trees so high they touched the clouds. Their lush leaves dipped back down to earth and I reveled in the shade it gave. Nevertheless, the air was thick with heat yet full with moisture and I knew it would only take a few minutes of this for my hair to become wavy, as it usually did.

"You're finally awake, princess."

I turned to see Ayla smiling at me, although I could tell she was holding back, knowing how down I had been yesterday. She must have been upset, but here she was, trying to comfort me. I smiled at the effort and nudged her arm, my eyebrow raised.

"Well, I'll be the princess. Only if you and Abrax are queen and king. I saw you both last night." I joked to which she slapped my arm playfully, blushing and looking back to see if anyone heard, yet the boys were far too busy assembling the weapons and discussing the plan.

I turned my gaze as the carriage door opened and Maya stood with Negus behind her. She held a hand out expectantly to which Abrax handed her daggers to her. She grunted out a 'thanks' before shoving them both in her belt.

They all jumped out the carriage then and I followed suit, Ayla tailing behind me. I smiled when my eyes settled on Arun, who lay on the ground, his hair fanned out.

"Feeling better?" I teased and he sat up before giving me a miserable look, his face more pale than usual.

"When I'm king, these types of transport will be made illegal." He joked with a soft sigh and I laughed at his words before pulling him up with a hand to which he let out a yelp.

"And who would ever make you king?" I retorted playfully to which he pouted, his green eyes twinkling.

"No one makes a king, Hanna. I was born to be one." He said a matter-of-factly and I nodded, smiling at his words.

"Is that so?" I said and he nudged me, noticing my condescending tone. I laughed yet again, turning my attention to Abrax and Demir who were cutting leaves down from the nearest tree. The leaves were as big as a shed and I looked in awe at how small I felt when standing near the huge trees. I moved closer, watching as they brought it to the carriage and passed it to Emut who was stood on the roof of the carriage.

"What are they doing?" I asked absent-mindedly, stilling slightly when I heard an exasperated sigh from someone I was so diligently trying to avoid.

"Ghabiyya! Can you not tell camouflage when you see it?" Maya spat out and I could see her glare at me from her peripheral, but I chose not say anything and kept my focus on what the boys were doing whilst Negus directed them: the hood of his cloak was now up and I was baffled by how he wasn't suffocating with the heat.

Ayla put her hand over mine in a warm gesture and I smiled, watching as the carriage was now fully concealed and the horses were tied to a tree beside a small blue lake where they were happily lapping up water. Arun stood between them, stroking at their sides, a bright smile on his face and his eyes closed.

I looked around at the green surroundings wherein the sounds of birds chirping and the horses drinking was all that could be heard.

"Done? Shall we go?" Maya asked as the males neared closer with Abrax dusting off his hands with a loud clap. They nodded and Emut ushered Arun over, who hopped to us, his medicinal bag in hand for any villagers who would potentially require treatment. Brushing a hand through his brown hair, Emut turned his stern gaze on Negus.

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