Chapter 26

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"308, 309..." I counted the small squares that designed the carriage roof, laying back.

There were 310

I sighed, feeling bored at just waiting. I knew it had probably just been 15 or 20 minutes since they had gone yet when one was waiting, it felt far longer. Sitting up, I rubbed at my eyes that felt strained now from looking to the roof for too long.

And, that's when I heard it.

The unmistakable sound of footsteps crunching along grass. I stilled at the sound, pushing myself further into my seat, my breaths coming out in anxious huffs. The sound stopped for a second and I took the chance to peer out the window, but found nothing. I sank back into the seat again, trying my best to hide and I cringed at how much it felt like that moment with Khalid behind the bush.

I had hid then like a coward too

My own thoughts made me sick of myself and I scowled at how vulnerable I felt sitting like prey in a cage. A pretty cage, but a cage nonetheless, much like how Debra had trapped me. She had confined me; controlled my actions to make me do what she had been deemed fit and I had followed just like I was doing now.


That's all I knew how to do and I felt shame crawl up my neck in heated waves. I had told Faridha that I was the prophecy and had promised to avenge her yet I was sat here letting others do the work that I had willed upon myself to do.

I breathed out slowly through my nose, but there was no calming the raging storm in me that told me I was doing the wrong thing yet again- succumbing to be the liability that everyone expected me to be.

With these words, I creaked the door open and stepped outside without thought. It was only when I looked around at the tall trees and sun, high in the sky did I somewhat regret what I had done. Enough regret to make me feel guilty for disobeying Emut, but not enough to make me go back in and so I walked ahead cautiously, making sure to tread lightly. If I could hear footsteps then they would undoubtedly hear mine.

I followed down the path where I had heard the footsteps, keeping close to the trees, just in case I would need to hide. I touched across the barks of trees as I passed and, sure enough, Negus was right. They felt lifeless, the bark practically crumbling away beneath my fingertips. I sighed at this; if this was the state of the outskirts then I feared for the state of those within the village.

"I'm sorry Sidi, we did not anticipate them coming "

I ducked fast at the sudden sound of a deep voice, my body on the grass. It was slightly damp beneath my palms, reminding me of a dream I once had. I exhaled, relieved that no one saw me, but I couldn't relax. There was a feeling in the pit of my stomach, one I could not explain. It was as though someone was pushing their hands against my chest, pushing the air out of me. Something ominous had settled in the air and I grimaced at the feeling it was instilling within me, resisting the urge to race back to the carriage. I couldn't run away again; I needed to face this head on.

I peered slowly out from behind the tree only to have my breath get caught in my mouth. I ducked down, face touching the damp grass and my heart beating against the ground. Whatever I saw beside a Chigaru soldier wasn't human and it was stood a few feet away from me. I almost cried when its eerie voice echoed across the trees, sounding neither male or female, but rather a mesh of both.

"Anticipate? 150 soldiers cannot handle 5 children? I believed you better, commander." The voice spoke in a gentle taunting manner, but even I could hear the threat that danced within.

I heard the very audible gulp of the Chigaru soldier he was talking to.

"N-no, we can handle it. We will. Please, Sidi, do not inform the Queen. We will kill them." He stuttered out in a nervous ramble and I almost felt pity for his plight.

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