Chapter 24

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S. A. A


"Well, we'll need to leave soon, if we want to make it in time."

I heard the voice of Abrax and murmurs of agreement from the others as I neared the door of Negus's study. Edging in, I looked around the candle-lit room and the group gathered around the desk, just as we had done once to discuss the battle plan.

I felt the subtle sting that no one thought to call me, confirming my true value. It was only when the door creaked as I edged closer in that everyone looked in my direction.

Ayla sent me a small apologetic smile and I nodded in her direction with a smile to show that I wasn't angry with her. I couldn't be when she was just uttering the thoughts in my head. Both Demir and Abrax continued on discussing their plans, their gaze fixed on a parchment paper on the desk. It was Maya's angry gaze that uneased me the most, so I chose to look everywhere but at her.

Arun smiled kindly, ushering me over with a wave of his hand and I gripped the door tightly, staying rooted to the spot. If they had wanted me to be here, I would have been called.

I heard footsteps and turned to see Emut coming towards me, a warm look on his face. He stopped a few inches in front of me, his voice gentle.

"We do need you." He spoke as if he could hear my dark thoughts and I looked down embarrassed, suddenly feeling very much like a child that needed consoling.

Emut paid no heed to this and moved closer to which I gazed up, finding his honey eyes.

"I need you here, Hanna." He murmured, his voice quiet so only I could hear and I sighed sadly. He watched patiently as I tried my utmost best to not let the tears fall.

"I didn't mean to." Was all I could say about the tragic events of last night and Emut tensed notably before shaking his head.

"Don't." He said only this before turning to look into the room. His gaze flitted over the parchment on the desk as he spoke.

"After you left, Negus came to inform us of our next steps. We're preparing for that." He explained and I nodded despite the fact his gaze was elsewhere.

He gave a final glance in my direction before walking further into the room, expecting me to follow him. I stepped in after him, ignoring the gazes and planting myself in between Ayla and Arun. Ayla nudged her shoulder against mine and I smiled at her form of affection before placing my focus onto Abrax who was now looking around the table.

"We'll go through it again for those who were absent." He sounded out before sending a kind smile in my direction to which I nodded in response. He turned his gaze back to the parchment which I now saw to be a map. He placed a finger to a certain place as he spoke.

"This morning, Negus intercepted a child. He said he was a runaway from the Centaurea province and had been traveling for a week with only one flask of water. He fainted before he could be questioned further and was taken into care. Examination of his body show a number of physical afflictions: burns on his arm, whip marks on his back and a couple of his fingernails taken out." Abrax explained, his tone gruff and I suddenly felt rather stupid for feeling sorry for how I had grown up. Living with Debra was a blessing compared to that. I steeled myself as Emut nodded at his words before speaking, his tone serious and his eyes scanning every individual.

"Negus has chosen to send us to see what is happening. He suspects the Chigaru have taken over the province and subdued the villagers, most likely to take advantage of their fertile land." He said and we all nodded at his words.

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