Chapter 38

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In the space of a few seconds, both Demir and Emut pulled me back by each arm before standing in front of me protectively, their weapons faced towards Debra as though she was a potential threat. Even more so than when facing the Chigaru, they both emanated unlevelled power, even in just their stance. Debra was a mere fly in their formidable path. I let out a deep sigh, watching the chaos unfold in front of me.

This was going to be a long day.

Debra let out a loud scream at this while Richard stood in front of her protectively, his glare dead on them. I let out a sigh at the unnecessary defense, nudging at their arms.

"Let me through, I'm fine." I let out in a protesting tone, but they paid no heed to me.

Sierra let out a small huff as she pointed to me from her place behind Richard's shoulder.

"Look, Mum! She's so disrespectful. If it wasn't enough that she ran off, making you tense. She's now hired these assassins to kill you!" She let out rather dramatically and I knew it was her own little way of fuelling the fire. She would do this every time Debra was ever angry with me. I rolled my eyes at her words, hoping she was done, but she was far from it as she put a hand against her hip.

"If not that then she's brought two men to her bedroom in the dead of the night at 5am! God knows what she was planning to do to sully our little home!" She said, wiping away at her non-existent tears.

I felt both Demir and Emut tense at her words, looking rather awkward, but none of them moved from their stance.

As predicted, Debra's anger notably heightened at Sierra's words and she looked to me in disgust. If she was from Aaru, she would have spat right now.

"I know. She's lucky I didn't throw her to the police when she cut that eye into your leg. Ungrateful!" She screeched, an actual tear escaping as she leaned over before pulling Sierra to her bosom.

Emut perked up at this, turning to look at Demir.

"The eye." He said simply to which Demir leaned his glaive against the bed before making his way to Sierra.

"Demir?" I questioned, moving forward but Emut pushed me back, hiding me away from their eyes. Sierra squealed as Demir advanced and Richard moved swiftly to stand in front of her, his nose flaring in anger as he glared threateningly at Demir. I noticed there was an astounding difference between the height of the two, with Demir towering over Richard's stout form.

Demir rolled his eyes at this before nudging Richard lightly, making him fly into the open door with a loud thud. Debra ran to him with a squeal then before charging forward to the attacker, but Emut moved forward and placed his sword in the way. She stopped abruptly, eyeing the sword before turning to glare at Emut.

I watched in astonishment as Demir approached Sierra to which she let out a loud squeal, cowering down and pushing herself back into the wall. He scowled at her sounds before swiftly ducking and pulling at her ankle, making her slide to him.

Debra screamed loudly, trying to lurch forward but Emut stopped her again, a small look of distaste on his face as she eyed him.

"If you even so much as hurt a hair on her head, you'll answer to me." She bit through clenched teeth to which I moved forward, putting a hand to Emut's arm. His stance notably loosened at this as I gazed at Debra head on.

"We're not going to hurt her." I said firmly to which Demir scoffed.

"If she doesn't shut up, I might have to reconsider." He said, making the screaming Sierra hush instantly, her lip shaking as she whimpered. But, Demir paid no heed to this as he looked to her leg before turning to us, a serious look on his face.

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