Chapter 55

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He noticed this but said nothing as I did so. I thought of what move he would do next and what I could do to combat it. Due to his strength, I could only play defense, considering his expertise and strength in this area.

If he was going to play to his strengths then I would play to mine.

I touched one hand to the other as we circled each other. I silently willed the door to open and felt the power complying as it flooded out, running through my body like a hot flush. I could feel the heat for a shorter time now and breathed out a sigh when the ache and tiredness disappeared. However, this time I didn't feel weak as I did it.

Then, Emut moved to me with his sword and I raised mine in response. He had expected my blow to be weaker, something I could tell from how soft his attack was. Instead, my blow was as hard as I could muster it to be and his sword flailed back slightly at this to which he frowned. I hit at his sword again which he effortlessly blocked as I pushed against him.

"You're suddenly awake." He teased, but his tone was laced with confusion and I smiled to myself before moving back.

"I would have been awake this whole time if your fighting skills weren't so boring." I teased, putting a hand to my mouth to fake a yawn. Emut raised an eyebrow at this, seemingly ignited by the challenge in my tone.

In no time, he had moved forward and I hit at him with my sword yet it missed. I let out a small noise when he dodged my attacks before he swiftly moved behind. It all happened in a second wherein Emut was stood behind me, a hand holding my armed hand down and the other holding his sword against my skin. I tensed slightly at the feel of his form behind me, struggling to get out of his hold but to no avail.

"Are you awake now?" He murmured and I shuddered slightly as his words tickled against my ear. I could smell his familiar earthy scent, the smell of sandalwood and pine invading my nose.

"No, you're still boring." I murmured back, fighting the blush that was heating up my cheeks. Emut let out a laugh at this and I thought I felt his warm hold tighten slightly around me before he stepped back.

"I'll work on that then." He said and I turned to meet his golden gaze as he looked down to me with a smile, his hand brushing through his brown hair.

"Oh you were amazing, Hanna!" Ayla suddenly was by my side, her cheerful voice in my ear and I flinched, looking to her with a smile.

"Thanks." I said, relieved that the blush was dying down and Emut nodded at her words.

"You've improved." He remarked and I smiled, feeling grateful for the praise. Emut was about to add something, but Abrax called him over and he looked to us apologetically.

"I'll see you later." He said before walking over to the boys and I watched as they seemed engrossed in discussion before turning to Ayla who was looking to my weapon.

"You were so cool with it." She muttered and I looked to the sword before tutting and pulling her by the arm over to where Maya was stood.

"What is it?' She asked and I stopped when we were near Maya who regarded us with a side look, her fringed dampened down to her forehead with sweat. They looked to me expectantly and I breathed out before speaking.

"I found out a power." I announced to which Ayla squealed and Maya turned to give me her full attention.

"What is it?" She asked curiously before reaching for her water bottle and taking a big gulp. Ayla looked to me eagerly and I looked down at my palms.

"I think it's some sort of healing power. I used it when fighting with Emut. It helped me keep going, even when I was tiring." I recounted and Ayla squealed again, making Maya nudge her in annoyance.

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