Chapter 15

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S. A. A


"Again." He said simply and I groaned in frustration before lining up the bow to the target. Releasing it, I watched in anticipation as it rippled through the air.


"Again." Emut let out again and I rolled my eyes before letting my gaze settle on him.

"Wouldn't it make more sense if Ayla helped train me with this?" I questioned curiously, putting the bow down tiredly. I flexed my fingers slightly to ease the growing pain but to no avail.

Emut raised any eyebrow from his place on the bench before leaning back on his palms.

"Is that your way of saying I'm not a good teacher?" He questioned jokingly and I shook my head with a smile.

It had been around 3 hours of grueling training, in which Emut had tried to teach me to use a bow.

The keyword being tried.

Now, 3 hours in and I still couldn't reach the target. I sighed, feeling frustrated.

"No, you're great, I'm just not a good student." I said truthfully, placing the bow and arrow back in their rightful places.

Emut sighed at this before getting up and picking the bow and arrow back off. He handed it to expectantly, a firm look on his face.

"And how do you expect to ever learn anything if you give up this soon?" He challenged and I huffed at his words before backing away to wipe my face with the small towel on the bench.

"You can't say I haven't tried, Emut. It's just too difficult." I explained with my back to him, knowing that I had given up too soon, but the pain in my fingers was just begging me to stop.

Emut pulled me to face him, his honey eyes glimmering with hope.

"The prophecy doesn't just try; she succeeds." He finalised, his voice filled with passion and my shoulders sagged at his words. Emut watched me intently.

"And- and what if I still don't want to be this 'prophecy'?" I blurted out meekly, avoiding his gaze. I heard the sound of Emut walking back and looked up to see his gaze looking vaguely into the distance.

"It's not a matter of want anymore." He replied ambiguously and I opened my mouth to argue against his words, but stopped when he slapped his hand against what looked to be a dummy.

"Back to your training, Hanna. Focus on the dummy. Analyse it. Tell me, with the arrow you're using, where should you shoot?" He almost but demanded an answer, his tone making me tune in and turn my attention onto the dummy.

The dummy was bigger than I had expected a dummy to be- the size of a 6ft human to be exact. It was faceless and was propped up on a metal pole and stand of some sort.

My eyes flitted between the dummy and the bow and arrow before I turned my gaze to Emut. He observed my movements before folding his arms, awaiting a response.

"The arrowhead I'm using is obsidian-based, not the worst but definitely not the best. I'd say, with this composite bow though, I could go for the kill and shoot the heart or lungs." I answered, regurgitating some of the information I learnt in the past few hours about the history of bows and arrows.

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