Chapter 41

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"Think, Hanna. What could it be?" Emut's voice came from behind me as I sat cross-legged on the floor of Vault 38.

Demir had gone and found Emut shortly after we saw Vault 38 whilst I looked to the locker of 719. By the time I had found it, Emut and Demir had come bounding in.

I had thought that would be the hardest bit, but now looking down to the pin padlock on the small briefcase I had gotten from the locker, I let out a small groan in frustration.

"I don't know; it could be anything." I said honestly to which Demir tutted, leaning against the door.

"And, tell me again, why Emut can't just smash it open?" He asked poignantly and I glared at him, holding the case close.

"Because we're leaving everything as we found it. If it's found broken, they'll check whose name it's under and, inevitably, a search would go out for me. I don't want anyone I know panicking about me." I spoke, thinking of Sue and Marie, in particular.

Emut sighed at this before leaning down from his position near the lockers.

"I could break it just slightly, if that's what you want." He suggested and I let out a small sound of annoyance before jutting the box towards him.

He smiled at this before taking it from me and opening it with ease. The padlock by which the briefcase was closed was half off now, but the whole thing was still intact and I smiled thankfully that he controlled his ability for me.

"Thanks." I muttered before opening the briefcase slowly. The first thing that fell out was an old weathered letter and I frowned, picking it up. The writing on it was just a few sentences. It looked to be of an ancient language, one that I most definitely could not decipher. I felt the presence of warmth beside me.

"Here, let me." Emut murmured and I smiled at this, handing it over. He read over it slowly, translating the words as he did.


What could I possibly tell you? How do I invoke my wishes without fear of consequence.

What could I possibly tell you, oh cherished one? Perhaps that you're searching far too much? That in all that searching, you haven't spared the time for finding?

Alas, a pity to have eyes like mine- ones that read you like a book! What could I possibly tell you to aid your story?

I have very little to say, but much less to give. Save for this; this is my all. Wear it as you would your skin and remember:

The key of persistence opens all door closed by resistance

With love and caution,


The room echoed with silence after as I processed her words. This was the first time that I even had some semblance of a conversation with Isis and I didn't even understand what was going on.

I let out a small sigh before reaching into the briefcase and grabbing at the item we had come for:

The pendant.

Indeed, it was just as Debra had described- a small gold and blue bird hung from a gold chain. I clenched it tightly as Emut silently passed the letter back. In fact, both were silent now as though they were allowing me my own time to process and I felt grateful for this.

It was only when I opened the briefcase fully that I breached the silence.

"Holy shit!"


"Just stay quiet and leave it to me, okay?" I instructed Emut as we walked up to the Common Farm Motel, the yellow light of the sign flickering in the grey hues of 7am.

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