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     Friday. Today is Color Wars. That means freshman have gold, sophomores have maroon, juniors have black, and seniors have white, so I get dressed in^^^. I do my hair in a high ponytail and curl the ends. I do natural makeup, the face paint we talked about yesterday, put on my fake glasses, and head downstairs with my phone and bag. I grab an apple, eat it, greet my family, and then get in the car and head to school with dad.
The boys have football practice this morning so dad and I got here early. I'm in the library reading while I wait for it to be about the time everyone would get here.
     It's finally time and so I head to my locker to see the girls wearing their cheer outfits, their boyfriends' football jackets, and the face paint we talked about. "Oh honey no. Take those glasses off." Avia says to me. "No. I'm leaving them on." I say and then Avia takes them off me. "Avia give them back!" I say and grab for them. "Avia give her her glasses back." Lauren says. "Guys they're fake. Annie has perfect eye sight. The glasses are just a look. Brooke will you hold these above your head please." Avia says handing them to Brooke and she nods. "Come on give the back!" I say. "Hot damn." I hear a very familiar voice say. "Make them give me my glasses back..." I say to both Hayden and Gavin. "No. Annie tell them. If you don't I will." Avia says. "Give my my glasses back!" I say trying to reach for them even though I know it's no use. "Annie." Avia says. I shake my head pleading her not to tell the boys. Gavin already knows but he's like my brother. "Then tell them. You look beautiful without them!" Avia says and I shake my head again. "Fine. You asked for this." Avia says and then faces the boys. "The glasses are fake. Annie has perfect vision. The glasses are just a look." Avia says. "Avia!!" I half yell at her. "Come on Annie! You look beautiful without them. Take them off every once in a while! Please! Hayden! You convince her!" Avia says. I look at Hayden pleading him to get my my glasses back. "Come on Annie just for today. Then you can wear them for the rest of your life. I promise." Avia says. "Pinky promise?" I say holding up my pinky. "Pinky promise." She says and we link pinky's. "Fine. But just today." I say as Brooke hands me my glasses back. I put them into my bag and we all head to class.
     It's lunch time and we all are just talk now that we've finished lunch. "Hot damn baby girl. You look beautiful but you'd look so much better in my jersey." I hear Chase say. "Absolutely not. Fuck off Chase." Hayden says pulling me to sit on his lap. "No. Hayden. You fuck off. I'm sorry you can't handle that Annie likes me." Chase says and pulls my arm making me walk to him. "Chase I swear to god let her go!" Hayden says. "Mm nope." Chase says tightening his grip on my waist. I'm most likely going to have bruises after this. "Chase let her the fuck go. You're gonna make her cry! Again! And then I'm gonna beat your ass!" Hayden says trying to pull Chases hands off me but that just makes it hurt worse. "Ow ow ow ow Hayden stop!" I say now clearly crying. "Great. Now you made her cry!" Chase says. "No Chase it was you. And I would just go tell coach you aren't playing tonight after this." I say. "What why?" He says and I lift my knee as hard and high as possible. Meaning I kneed him where the sun doesn't shine. He quickly let's go and topples over. I quickly back into Hayden's arms and he immediately engulfs me in a hug that is much needed. The bell then rings and I'm not walking around like this so I raise my arms to Hayden's neck and he gets the hint. He picks me up and I continue crying. The group then walks to the free period room with our bags.
     In the room, everyone sits and Hayden sits with me the way I am. "Annie. Lift the jersey. We need to see how bad it is." The boys all say. "Absolutely not. None of you are going to beat Chase up. All of you are playing in the game tonight. I'll just tell dad what happened and Chase won't play in the game instead." I say. "No Annie. Lift the jersey." Gavin says. "No! You are playing! That's final!" I say. Hayden lifts me and sits me on the table in front of him. "At least just show us. We won't beat his ass no matter how much we want to." Hayden says. "Promise?" I say to all the guys. "Promise." They say. I nod and lift the jersey to show the large bruises on the sides of my waist. I can visibly see every guy tense up. I put the jersey back down. "Hayden did you hear Tegan's back?" Chloe asks. "Excuse me what?" Hayden says and Chloe nods. "Oh hell no. I do not have time for her." He says. "What do you mean. I'm excited to see her!" I say. "Not wearing my jersey. She'll beat your ass." Hayden says. "Yeah. Annie we never let you see but she would like glare and growl and bully girls if she found out they had a crush on him." Kesley says. "She was just being a possessive girlfriend. I'm sure it was nothing." I say trying to be rational. "Princess it wasn't nothing. She was and probably still is a controlling bitch. She wouldn't let me hangout with you girls outside of school and she hated when I went to hangout with the guys. She wanted me to hangout with her and her only 24/7." Hayden says. ""I'm sure it was nothing guys. Just give her a chance." I say. "I'm just glad we decided to change classrooms after she left. Otherwise life would be hell right now." Carson says. We talk for a while and just before it's time to go to class we head to my dad's office so I can tell him about Chase. He definitely won't be playing tonight.
     Pep rally time! The principal tells everyone who won the color wars and it was the sophomores. Our section goes crazy for a few minutes and then quiet down. The pep rally goes by quickly and school is over. But everyone pretty much just stays after for the game.
     Game time! The boys get dressed and the girls are already in their cheer uniforms. I head to the bleachers and sit on the bottom one of the student section. "Annie! Heads up!" I hear Johnny say and notice the football that ended up hitting the bottom of the bleacher. The other team just got here. They must have thrown this on purpose. I jump over the railing and stick the landing and pick up the football. "She's not throwing it back. She's a girl." I hear someone from the other team say. "Throw it Annie!" The boys yell. I throw the football back with pin point accuracy. Our cheerleaders and football team and whoever else that is here from our school claps and cheer. I see the looks on the other teams faces and they are priceless. Brynn and Avia come over and hold their hands cupped to help me back over the railing of the bleachers.
     The game starts and we are in the lead 20-0. It's about halftime and the other team isn't doing so hot. "Hey Annie!" I hear a familiar voice say. "Hey Tegan!" I say. "So um, did Hayden get a new number this season?" Tegan asks. "No? This is his jersey. He and I are dating." I say to her. "Oh." She says and then stays silent. The game is soon over and we win 50-0. Mom, Hayley and I quickly head off the bleachers to congratulate the boys. I run up to Hayden and jump onto him and hug him. "Congratulations Bulldog!" I say. "Thank you princess!" Hayden says and kisses my head. "Oh by the way, Tegan's here." I say and get down. "What no. I gotta go I'll pick you up tomorrow. Goodnight I love you." Hayden says and kisses my cheek and runs off. I congratulate the rest of the boys and then we head home to go to bed.

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