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004. hating percy, hot gods and car keys

BARBIE EXPECTED apollo to turn up within seconds, but apparently when artemis says 'soon' she really doesn't mean soon. it had been half an hour, and he still wasn't here. because gods and goddesses seemed to forget that soon isn't a few hours and that it's probably a few minutes. but then again, they were immortal beings with no self-restraint, so she couldn't exactly argue with them that much.

they'd been waiting on the hill for ages. and she was getting really impatient. but on the bright side, her headache had now stopped. on the downside, percy was still being annoying and it didn't help that he kept asking why she was mad at him, or hated him.

"ok, but hear me out," began percy for the fifth time in ten minutes, "i just want to know why you hate me."

"is it that hard not to have an explanation as to why i hate you?" she grumbled, inspecting her nails, thankfully, none of them were chipped.

"but i know you have a reason," he persisted, "just tell me."

"how about no?" she said, glaring at him.

"how about yes?"

"how about you shut up," she challenged before sighing, "look i'm not in the mood for our usual arguments, jackson. seriously, cut it out."

"i just want to know why," he said sadly, "i mean what did i do wrong? is it that i'm a child of poseidon. last time i checked, aphrodite and poseidon didn't have a rivalry. at least i don't think so-"

"it's not that," she huffed, "do you seriously not remember? you made a pretty shit first impression."

"what did i do?"

"do you-" she looked at him, "do you seriously not remember? you ignored me? are- you know what? i'm not having this conversation with you today, or ever. go back to being a dumbass and i'll go back to hating you."

it had been a few more hours and barbie still didn't like the cold. she was cold, muddy, had bits of grass in her hair and was still annoyed at percy, she wasn't doing too good. she just wanted to get back to her cabin and sleep. she didn't want any of this stupid extraction thing anymore. she'd rather go on a quest and fight twenty cyclopses at once then stay on the damn hill for another minute.

"the last time the hunters came to camp," explained grover sheepishly, "it wasn't so good."

"how'd they even show up?" asked percy, "i mean, they appeared out of nowhere."

"and bianca joined them," grimaced thalia, her face showing how much she was hating what she just said, "it's all zoë's fault. that stuck-up, no good bi-"

"who can blame her?" said grover with a lovestruck smile, "eternity with artemis?"

thalia rolled her eyes at his antics whilst barbie smiled at his adoration for the goddess. thalia continued by saying, "you satyrs, you're all in love with artemis. don't you get that she'll never love you back?"

"it's cute," shrugged barbie.

"of course you'd say that," cut in percy, "you're a daughter of aphrodite."

"and?" she countered, beginning to get riled up again, "you're point is? i like being a daughter of aphrodite. sorry, but doves are way cooler."

grover seemed not to hear her and percy's little argument. he swooned, "but... she's just so into nature."

"you're nuts," scoffed thalia.

"nuts and berries," mumbled grover dreamily, "yeah..."

[1] 𝐁𝐀𝐑𝐁𝐈𝐄 𝐃𝐎𝐋𝐋 ― p.jackson  ✓Where stories live. Discover now