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005. the end times start now 

TAKING OVER as cabin councillor was a tough job. and barbie hadn't fully realised that until she had to stay up until two am with annabeth for war plans. they had no idea if luke would be attacking them through the woods, or maybe he had a different route entirely that was new and they needed to prepare for. annabeth insisted they all listen as she planned several defence mechanism that might be needed. she made them all promise training would be amped up for everybody. if they were actually going to fight a war, they'd have to be prepared. and that meant-

"extra climbing on the lava wall," listed of annabeth at two in the morning with everybody almost half asleep,"earlier waking times. more training with daggers and swords. definitely more archery. and if anybody in your cabin has a power they need to train alone or spar with somebody using that power for at least one hour a day."

"a day?"

"this isn't that much of an increases to what we were doing before," annabeth shrugged, "the only thing i changed really was early waking times. if i'm being honest the dagger and sword training will probably stay the same along with the archery. maybe the power training will be increased but that's really it."

"it's so much, annabeth," katie reasoned.

"but she has a point," cut in travis, as everybody stared at him in shock, "what?"

"we just didn't suspect that from you," katie mumbled.

"there's a lot of things people don't expect from me, babe," winked travis before he added, "and i mean it. if we are actually... fighting a war against luke-"

"kronos," corrected annabeth.

"- then we need to be prepared. we need to be able to fight to our best potential. he might have been my brother once... but he's threatening our home. he's threatening my family and he's threatening olympus and all the gods. they might not have always been kind to him, but he's not going to destroy our home. no matter what."

maybe it was the early morning madness, or maybe it was the fact travis felt so betrayed by luke, but the words stuck. they all looked around at each other, a hardened gaze, and they nodded. annabeth looked quite happy with herself as she neatly put together her papers together before saying, "so we're all in agreement?"

they nodded and annabeth smiled tiredly, "good. get some sleep guys. training starts earlier tomorrow."

as annabeth's request, later in the morning, barbie had led most of her cabin round activities, with silena still trying to ease herself back in. of course, this didn't do much when barbie needed to leave to train by herself with her powers. she'd left silena with them, promising her to ask val for help if she needed it. but silena had simply put on a small smile as she said, "it's alright barb. you go have fun."

"it's not going to be fun," pouted barbie, "my muscles are gonna ache real bad after."

"oh well," silena shrugged, teasing her for the first time in days as she said, "sucks to be you."

"oh that's mature."

"go! go!"

"alright, alright- yeesh!"

as she walked away to the sword arena, she had hardly noticed that mrs o'leary, who was always in the arena, wasn't there. and instead, began to practice manipulating the mist. at the start, she'd have to force herself way too much, using too many emotions and practically draining herself. her power training consisted her of trying to limit the amount she used each time, trying not to take any power out of her physical self too, which could happen sometimes. she started with simple things (or well, things that were simple now) like lifting up a rock with the mist.

[1] 𝐁𝐀𝐑𝐁𝐈𝐄 𝐃𝐎𝐋𝐋 ― p.jackson  ✓Where stories live. Discover now