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EPILOGUE. the end is just the beginning 

BARBIE CHECKED the sheet of paper once. then, she checked it again. it did look... the same. maybe it was her memory that was dodgy because this might have been the exact place she'd grown up in. the exact house (or... apartment complex) that she had her lousy childhood in. she huffed heavily. she really should've used val's snowglobe. why had she insisted she go herself? she took a deep breath, looking intently at the buzzer. it would be so easy just to push it. but... something was stopping her. her heart was pounding, and she had no idea why. what was to be expected? was her dad just as cold as he was before? or was that weird dream she'd had in the labyrinth actually true?

c'mon barb! you can do this! encouraged jerald, her voice light and full of support, i mean it can't be worse than the whole battle, can it?

i dunno jerald, i think the final boss is my dad, she thought to herself as she stared at the buzzer intently. she heard a cough from behind her and visibly jumped, her hand shooting to her bracelet (her new weapon. a sword, this time. engraved with pearls. very cool and went by the name 'άκαρδος' which was greek for heartless). she let out a sigh of relief when she noticed a mortal... who oddly looked familiar.

"want me to buzz you in?" asked the guy,  running his hands through short brown hair that looked recently cut.

"uh... please," she spoke, nodding.

the guy nodded, walking towards the keypad as he typed in a code for one of the buildings. there was a loud beep before the door opened and he smiled, "after you."

she thanked him, walking inside as she stared around. the lobby was large, and looked glamorous. decked with a large chandelier and elevators with gold lining around it. her jaw dropped. they'd certainly done some renovations since she'd lived here. she watched as the copper-skinned guy who'd helped her walked towards the elevator, which was coincidentally the one that went to the penthouse. maybe he was the nanny or something? that seemed like something her dad would do. employ a nanny. or maybe he was a secretary?

whatever he was, he was going the same way as her. and she ran to the elevator before it shut. he stared at her curiously, before waiting a few moments to ask, "hey- you know this is the elevator that goes to the penthouse?"

"uh... yeah?" she spoke, looking to him with a raised brow, "i know that."

"then what are you? a girl scout?" asked the guy, looking to her simple pink graphic t-shirt and ripped blue jeans and simple white sneakers, "you don't look like one."

"do i look young enough to be a girl scout?" she spoke, an offended look on her face, "i'm visiting somebody."

"...ok, i'll play this game," nodded the guy, clearly wary of her, "who you visiting?"

"my dad," she spoke.

"and who's that, sweetie?"

"henry allen."

"strange..." the guy murmured, looking at her with a serious look, "because that happens to be my husband. now kid, you got about two seconds to explain what you want with my husband and why you're claiming to be his daughter."

ah, deep shit.

"man let go of me-"

"i need to take you to my husband, he'll know what to do," the guy nodded.

[1] 𝐁𝐀𝐑𝐁𝐈𝐄 𝐃𝐎𝐋𝐋 ― p.jackson  ✓Where stories live. Discover now