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010. drakons not dragons (but also yes)

BARBIE WAS just about done with every single thing that had happened. monster were getting on their nerves (i mean would it kill them to go on a tofu diet for once?) and the drakon that looked a hell of a lot like the basilisk form harry potter was the final damn straw. when barbie says it looks like a basilisk, she means it. however perhaps this version was a bit bigger. they had monster classes at camp, even had a special lesson to drakon-fighting classes at camp. but there really is no way that you can prepare for a fifty-meter long serpent as thick as a school bus slithering down the side of a building with it's yellow eyes like searching lights and its mouth full of razor-sharp teeth big enough to chew elephants.

suddenly moving a helicopter to the ground looked like nothing to this.

"i'll take the drakon," percy spoke, but it sounded more like a timid squeak then anything. however he cleared his throat and then yelled louder, "i'll take the drakon! everybody else, hold the line against the army!"

percy looked to annabeth and spoke, "will you help me?"

"course i will, dumbass," spoke annabeth.

they looked to each other, about to charge, before both val and barbie jumped in. barbie held percy back as she said loudly, "like hades am i letting the both of you run to your deaths without me!"

"and without me!" added val, "that's preposterous dude!"


"perseus jackson, i am coming with you. and so is val. if you try to stop me, i'll enclose you in a pink sparkly bubble for the rest of you damn life," she threatened, her pointer finger jabbing his shoulder.

percy gulped ever so slightly, "message received. let's go."

and together, they charged.

the drakon was now three stories over them, slithering sideways along the building as it sized up their forces. wherever it looked, centaurs froze in fear as their weapons clattered to the ground. from the north, the enemy army crashed into the party ponies and their lines broke. the drakon lashed out loudly, swallowing three californian centaurs in one gulp before either of the three of them could even get close.

mrs o'leary launched herself through the air- the deadly black shadow of teeth and claws. normally, a pouncing hellhound such as mrs o'leary would look straight up terrifying. but next to a drakon, mrs o'leary looked like a cute chihuahua rather than a ferocious dog straight from the underworld.

her claws raked harmlessly off the drakon's scales, like it was just a feather gliding across it's skin. she bit the monster's throat, but it didn't even make a dent. her weight, however, was enough to knock the drakon off the side of the building. it flailed awkwardly, which would have kind of looked funny had it not been trying to kill all of them and destroy manhattan as they knew it. the drakon crashed into the sidewalk along with mrs o'leary, the two of them twitching and thrashing.

as barbie ran, she snapped her fingers and jumped nd a pink cloud of mist appeared under her feet and continued to do so as she floated herself up and began to thrust her hands in a downwards motion. suddenly, thousands of daggers materialsed form the mist and shot straight down onto the drakon. but they all deflected and bounced off of the scales and landed on the ground with a clatter.

she heard a distant yell and saw both val and percy stab the monsters eye together. it roared loudly, and reared its head back ready to strike. but val grabbed the both of them and pushed them aside. barbie watches as it took a swimming-pool-sized chunk out of the pavement. it turned to percy and val with its good eye and that was all barbie needed before she swooped down in er cloud of mist and shot out a random spark of mist that almost hit the drakon's eye.

[1] 𝐁𝐀𝐑𝐁𝐈𝐄 𝐃𝐎𝐋𝐋 ― p.jackson  ✓Where stories live. Discover now