Please come home

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Lena had been re-living the conversation she had with Kara in her office a few weeks ago, and since then she hadn't seen or heard from Kara or Supergirl. The DEO and the police department had been managing the local crimes by themselves, no one had heard from Supergirl. 

Questions and rumours regarding Supergirl's whereabouts were spreading fast, and it was getting harder and harder for the DEO to capture the rogue aliens. People were getting scared and losing hope. More aliens including Cadmus were taking the advantage that supergirl was nowhere to be found, to terrorize the city. More importantly, the city was not safe without its hero.

Meanwhile, Lena felt guilty for the terror that was happening to National city, she was feeling guilty that she had taken away their hero especially when they needed her most. Although she was still hurt and in pain, she still cared for the Kryptonian, she wanted her to be okay nonetheless their brawl.

Alex on the other hand needed her sister, she was worried that something unpleasant had happened. She had no clue where she was, she had been hoping that Kara would come back home but that hadn't happened and she was beginning to give up hope. Every little shred of expectation and hope that she was holding on to, was beginning to weaken.

Alex's POV

"Brainy do you have anything on Supergirl's location?" I asked

"Indeed director Danvers, I believe I have found Supergirl's location" Brainy answered 

"Where is she?" I asked wanting to know where my sister had disappeared 

"I believe she is in Argo city" Brainy replied

"Argo?" I couldn't believe what Brainy was saying. I couldn't believe it.

"Yes, I believe so" he assured 

"How?" I asked

"How did she get there?" I continued 

"The pod she used when she first came to earth," Brainy said

"Are you sure?" 

"Yes, my calculations state that there is a 98.67% chance that Supergirl is in Argo city right now," he confirmed 


"Can you send her a message?" I inquired 

"Yes and No," Brainy said

"That's not an answer Brainy. So you might want to expand on that" I replied furiously

"There is no way to contact Supergirl or should I rather say Argo, by using any sort of technology. Simply the kind of technology that can be used to communicate with Argo city has not been built in this time period". he explained himself

"So how do we bring her back?" I asked with so much confusion and irritation

"Someone needs to go there. Someone she'll recognise"

"What do you mean recognise??" I was honestly losing patience and mind, what the heck was Brainy talking about?

"If my calculations are right there is a 99.01% chance that she does not remember earth or any memories from her past life. She has adapted to the lifestyle in Argo city, I'm certain that her brain has created new memories as well as erase all her memories due to the pain she couldn't comprehend. I also believe that her brain has allowed her to feel a sense of belonging in Argo because there she has a family that she always desired to have before she first came to earth, so it will be hard to convince her to come back or even remember her life". he clarified 

"So you are saying she might not remember any of us?" I was astounded by the Information Brainy was telling me

"That's exactly what I'm saying. But there is also a 48.91% chance that she will remember some of her memories from the earth if someone with a strong connection to her, reminds her of the life she has here on earth."

"So, if she doesn't recognise or remember the connection she might not come back?" I asked and he replied, "Yes" 

"What sort of connection or bond is she most likely to remember?" I asked with a lot of fear in my voice, fear that I might never see or have my sister back.

"Any deep and strong connection that she shared with anyone," J'onn said from behind

"As long as that connection is strong" Brainy added

"Brainy according to your calculations, what percentage is there, that she might remember me?" I asked

"Uh, 42.03%"

"So, she might remember me?"


"Okay then, I'm going to Argo city," I said as I added, "J'onn I'm gonna need to use your ship"


"Thank you" 

"Oh and Alex?" he called as I walked away


"Not a scratch on it" he ordered

"Got it"

At Argo city

"Kara!" I called as soon as I recognised her

"Who are you?" she asked

"It's me, Alex" I replied expecting her to recognise me

"Your sister.," I added when she didn't seem to realise who I was.

"I have no sister," she said

"I've come to take you home," I told her

"I am home" she answered boldly

"I know it feels and looks like home Kara, but the earth is your home" 

"Earth?" she wondered out loud

"Yes, do you remember?" I asked 

"You've lived there since you were young" I reminded her of the childhood we had together 

"Kara, I know life isn't perfect, I know it can be hard especially for you. You have sacrificed everything and you have lost so much. And I know that lately, you haven't been happy since the fallout with Lena, I know you've been a wreck and lost and I wish I could tell you that everything will be okay but I can't promise you that. I can't promise you a life without pain and loss because pain is part of life it's what makes us who we are. It's what makes you a hero. You fight every day to keep people from struggling as you did, I know you can remember if you try. Please!" I begged her

"Please try Kara, because the earth needs Supergirl. It needs their hero" I really hoped she would remember

"Supergirl!!?" she mentioned

"Yes, remember that life with James, Winn and J'onn including Lena" I reminded her of the family we had built together

"Lena?" she emphasised her name as if her name was the only thing she took out of everything I had just told her

"Yes, Kara, Lena and your friends need you, I need you" disclosed

"I want my sister back. My sister who has saved me so many times, the sister who has always been there for me when I needed her, and especially when I was lost" I declared and continued, "Do you remember when we first started liking each other after we solved Kenny's murder when we were in high school?"

"Kenny?" again with the names

"Please Kara you need to remember and come with me. I know pain can be scary, but I promise you that you won't go through it alone. Please! Come home with me"

"Alex?" she remembered

"Kara? yes it's me"  

"What happened?" she asked

"It's a long story, I'll tell you later, but for now we need to go"

"Okay, lets go. But I need to know the whole story" and so we were gone

Gone home.

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