Just one Secret my darling

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Kara's POV

As we got to my apartment, Lena helped me out of the car and into the house, I was too weak to walk without support.

She took my keys to open the door and we got inside. The room felt cold and strange, it didn't feel friendly or warm either. I missed it. I missed my apartment.

As I was looking around the house, Lena was supporting me the entire time. I really appreciated her being there for me even though I didn't ask. I didn't understand why she was helping me after our fallout, I mean she made it pretty clear that she didn't want to talk to me. So I decided to ask the only thought that was on my mind.

"Why are you here Lena?"

"What do you mean?" she asked back

"I mean like why are you here helping me? I thought you didn't want anything to do with me"

"Well something happened that made me rethink my position" she replied

"Care to share your position at the moment?" I asked

"I don't have all the facts and perspectives yet, but I'll let you know when I do"

For a moment there, we went back to being the old Kara and Lena. It made me happy, but there were a lot of issues to be discussed and I didn't really want to get into it.

The apartment was silent as a cemetery for a moment until Lena decided to break the horrifying silence.

"Are you hungry, I can cook something?" she asked

'I'm always hungry. I haven't had food in a while, and my stomach has been growling since I woke up" as I answered her, I could see her holding back a laugh. I wanted to let her know that she could let go of her laugh but I decided no to.

I missed her.

As much as I would've like to see Lena cook, I had to take a shower because I was pretty sure that I reeked.

"I'm going to take a shower as you cook," I told her

"Okay" she only said

"Kara, what do you want to eat?" Lena asked

"I don't know. Surprise me"

She just chuckled and went to the kitchen.

After my shower and dinner which was amazing btw, I was quite surprised at Lena's cooking skills, I didn't know she was a great cook, we decided to watch Jane the Virgin.

We continued from the previous episode that we left it at, you know?..before everything between us went kaboom

After a couple of episodes, I couldn't stand the tension between us any longer than I had.

"Lena, can we talk for a minute?" I asked

"Sure, what about?" she asked again

"Us" was the only word I said

"I know before all this happened, we weren't on good terms and I don't know if we are now but I want to tell you why I hid my identity from you all that time and I also want to tell you everything I can possibly remember about my life because I don't want there to be any more secrets between us," I said all at once without breathing

"You don't have to Kara"

"No, but I want to. Will you please listen?"


"So my name is Kara Zor-El I'm from Krypton. When I was a child, my planet was dying. I was sent to Earth to protect my cousin. But my pod got knocked off course and by the time I got here, my cousin had already grown up and become Superman. He then introduced me to the Danvers family, who were really welcoming and loving. They adopted me and really welcomed me to their family, they cared for me like I was their own child. They also taught me to hide my powers, in order to protect others and myself. From that day I hid who I really was until one day when an accident forced me to reveal myself to the world. I revealed myself to save my sister Alex, but after using my powers that night I decided to save people like my cousin does. Being able to help people makes me happy, all the powers that I have are also useful sometimes in my daily life. But there are also disadvantages that come with being a hero and that is why few people know who I am. I have made enemies over the years most of them are dangerous and if they knew my identity they would use the people that I love against me. And that is why my identity must and never be known. Most people that work at the DEO have been kidnapped and tortured just to get to Supergirl. Lena I can't have you being tortured just because you know who Supergirl is. I don't want you getting hurt. And I know that you also had a right to know who your friend is but you have to understand that it's not that simple to watch someone you care for in pain because of you"

Before I could finish explaining myself, I saw Lena's eyes full of tears and I didn't understand why she was crying.

"Hey come here" I pulled her close to me

"Why are you crying?" I asked as I rubbed circles on her back, to calm her down

"I feel so stupid," Lena says

"Lena you are not stupid. You are a smart and strong woman, never let anyone or yourself tell you otherwise"

"I thought you didn't trust me enough because I'm a Luthor," Lena says

"What?" that really hurt, hearing her say, I didn't trust her because she is a Luthor.

"I thought that the reason you never told me your identity was because I'm a Luthor" she confirmed

"No! You know that I don't care what your last name is. I trust you and I will always trust you no matter what. When i told you that, people should be judged by their own merits, I meant it Lena and you have proven yourself to everyone that you are a good person and that the Luthor name doesn't deserve someone like you. Someone so special and brave."

"You really think that?"

"No silly. I believe that"

For the first time, I saw Lena smile so genuinely.

"I missed you," she says

"I missed you too" I admitted

I wrapped my arms around her and without any doubt, she reciprocated.

"I missed this" she pointed out

I just smiled and hugged her tighter to show her that I missed her as much as she missed me.

After our hug that lasted longer than expected, I wanted to talk to Lena about something.

"Lena, can you do something for me?"

"What is it darling?"

"Can you not hate yourself. I know you hate yourself for making kryptonite that Lillian used on me"

"You heard that?"

"Yeah I heard most of it"

"I'm sorry I made kryptonite. I know that it can hurt you badly. I'm sorry for everything, especially not giving you a chance to explain and mostly making a weapon that could possibly kill you." she started rambling

"Hey slow down. I understand that you felt betrayed and hurt okay? And I know how that can change someone. You don't have to apologise to me ever."

"I'm so lucky to have you in my life Kara"

"Oh trust me when I say, I'm the lucky one"

"So are there any more secrets you wanna tell me Kara Danvers/Supergirl?" Lena asked

"No! there are no more secrets to tell but if you do have any secrets you want to tell me Lena Kieran Luthor, I would like to hear them?" I asked but it sounded more than a request and also more like a statement

"No, I don't think so" she answered

Kara's thoughts

"I know. I know, I'm lying to her again. I am very well aware that I should tell her how I feel about her but I uh...."

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