Say something

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Regret is there to invite us to view past events through different perspectives than the ones we had at the time, in the action of the moment. It is this creative perspective-taking that grows our emotional intelligence and gives us greater maturity.

However, sometimes regret eats at us and can even drive the best of us to the edge. Much like Lena Luthor.

She is a smart intelligent ass-kicking CEO with a broken heart, sorta. She misses Kara, terribly.

Say something, I'm giving up on you
I'll be the one if you want me
Anywhere, I would've followed you
Say something, I'm giving up on you

After everything with Lex, they had all left without talking things out, making amends of some sort. Not even Kara and Lena. The girl of steel was too drained to have that conversation, honestly who wouldn't be? After fighting to disarm about five missiles aimed at the city for the purpose of rebuilding and holding up buildings across the city so as not to break down completely, Supergirl was tired enough, even though she's the girl of steel, she needs rest sometimes considering she was working with people she couldn't trust anymore, her family.

And I am feeling so small

It was over my head

I know nothing at all

And so she had planned on having that very conversation the next day, the day came but that didn't happen, she had been busy all day at work. After everything with Lex, she couldn't bring herself to leave her home, so she stayed with every inch in her wanting to leave, but she was strong, we all know that girl is strong enough for anything.

And I will stumble and fall
I'm still learning to love
Just starting to crawl

The day after that, she had also been busy, or at least that's what she thought. Sometimes we just give ourselves work to do even though we technically don't, that's exactly what Kara was doing. Cleaning her entire house, the whole day. I mean hello! she could just use her super-speed and be done on like 2 minutes. But hey! who knows, maybe she was avoiding that conversation. Oh, wait! I do know for certain she was dreading to have that conversation.

Say something, I'm giving up on you
I'm sorry that I couldn't get to you
Anywhere, I would've followed you
Say something, I'm giving up on you

And on the third day, she really tried but couldn't make it. (yeah, really tried...) Supergirl duties. Lena on the other end was starting to lose hope, she hadn't heard from Kara, not even a text. So, she wasn't handling it.

And I will swallow my pride
You're the one that I love
And I'm saying goodbye

"You look at me and my blood ignites, you touch me, and everything falls away and I can barely think. And darling, you're always, always touching me and when you are, I can barely remember anything outside of you exists on the best of days, and on the worst of days all I can think about is how much I want to touch you and make you forget everything outside of you and me." Took a pic at Lena's journal that evening, she didn't see me though, if she had, I'm sure I wouldn't be writing you these now. So please shhh, don't tell anyone, she might find out and come for me.

Say something, I'm giving up on you
And I'm sorry that I couldn't get to you
And anywhere, I would have followed you, oh-oh
Say something, I'm giving up on you

She missed Kara all the time, she couldn't fall asleep without thinking of her, couldn't eat without remembering potstickers then Kara, couldn't go to work without reading one of Kara's pieces, she couldn't even turn on the tv without seeing Supergirl. So that was that. She saw Kara everywhere, but mostly in her head, her memories, their memories.

Mostly she wondered if they were ever getting back together. Back to how they used to be. She remembered that feeling every day f* day and it hurt to remember it, it really did ache to remember that once upon a time, someone loved you unconditionally. But then reality hit, she had screwed up and maybe Kara didn't love her like she used to.

Say something, I'm giving up on you
Say something

Against her better judgement, Lena had written and sent Kara an email, she couldn't take it anymore, the waiting, it was driving her nuts, so she wrote.

"Dear Kara,

Are you coming back? ever? because I'm going out of mind here my love, I think I'm losing it completely, I miss you, I miss you every day and it's driving me crazy. It's like I need a small portion of your everyday hour for me to keep going, but it's getting harder and harder every passing day. Not hearing from you isn't helping, it's like I see you on my screen and I can't tell which you are real, the one in my head or the one on my screen. I know, I messed up big time, I should've told you about William, about the case, we all should have, but that's not the point. The point is, I broke my promise, I broke your trust and I'm so sorry, I know words won't fix it,... but please talk to me. I miss you, I love you with every bone in my fucking body. Please please please please, talk to me.

Love, your sorry soon to be ex-girlfriend, Lena"


Hello lovely people,

This wasn't exactly my best of work but it's a Sunday and I really hoped I wouldn't break my word on updating every Sunday. Plus I wanted to tell you guys that there are two more chapters of this book, they have already been mapped out and ready to go. And don't worry, Supercorp is the endgame, I hope the ending brings you joy, I think.

Have a good time folks.

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