Take me home

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It had been two months without Supergirl, crime was already building up. She hadn't woken up since the day Alex and J'onn brought her back, she was stable, yes, but she wasn't responding to anything. There was no activity in her brain, she never moved or breath on her own. Nothing!

All the superfriends missed Kara, she always made everyone laugh and hopeful, but that hadn't been seen lately. Everyone was always gloomy, either at work or basically anywhere.

Alex, on the other hand, missed her sister terribly, she always talked to her every day at the DEO even though she knew that Kara couldn't hear her, but it gave her hope and made her feel good talking to her. 

Lena had been visiting the DEO to see Kara. She missed her, she missed her laugh, her dorkiness, she missed how cute she was when flustered, she missed how Kara made her happy, she made her feel loved and wanted and most importantly she missed her Kara. She would do anything to have her back.

Lena's POV

"Hey Kara"

"I know you can't hear me or anything but I uh... I miss you, I miss my best friend, I miss our lunches together, I miss how you always make me feel better when I'm down, I miss when you give me hope every day when everything and everyone is against me or when I stop believing in myself. I know I made a mistake when I didn't give you a chance to explain yourself, I felt betrayed, lost, unwanted, used and most of all I was hurt and I am ashamed that I didn't stop to think or at least consider your perspective but I get it now"

"Kara I'm so sorry. I'm sorry for not listening to you, I'm sorry I made kryptonite and I am sorry that you are in a coma because of me, I'm sorry you had to give yourself up to Lillian just to save me. I hate myself for it"

"I just wish you could talk back and yell at me because I know I deserve it. I mean I made the one thing that could kill you and now you are in pain because of me."

"Alex won't even look at me, when I told her that Lilian got the kryptonite from my lab, we stopped talking or at least she stopped talking to me. And I get why she doesn't want to talk to me anymore but I just want things to go back to the way they used to be"

"But I doubt that things will go back to how it used to be."

"I just wish I had a time machine you know?"

"I would reverse the time back to when we first met, back to when we were happy"

"But we don't always get to go back in time like the Flash huh?"

"Kara I don't know if I can hold on any longer, you always gave me hope but without you here, it's hard to keep hoping when the most important person in your life is half-dead"

"I want my best friend back. I want you back. Please Kara"

"Please wake up"

"A lot of people miss you. I miss you"

"The city also needs Supergirl. 

I need you."

A solemn tear fell down my cheek, my body looked calm compared to how tangled my mind was. I could no longer hold myself but as I was about to break down I felt Kara squeeze my hand.


"Can you hear me?"

She nods, which is a good sign.

"Alex?" I yell for Alex to come in

In a blink of an eye, Alex was storming inside the room.

"Hey what happened?" she asked

"She is awake. Kara is awake"

I can tell that a million thoughts crisscrossed Alex's mind, she looked surprised, happy, sad, hopeful and a million other things.

"Kara! thank God you are awake" Alex sighed as she hugged her sister

"Alex you are hurting me" Kara whispered her voice sounding hoarse.

"Oh sorry!" Alex apologised not realising that her hug was too tight.

In about a minute everyone else came marching inside to see Kara. 

Third-person POV

They were all so happy to see Kara, they had missed her.

After catching up on things she had missed, she wanted to go home, but Alex wouldn't let her go. She wanted to make sure she was okay even though Kara reassured her like a million times.

"Please Alex" Kara had asked

"No Kara, I need to know you are okay before I let you go. Plus I'm not letting you go by yourself, you are still weak and you can't do anything yet, you need to rebuild your strength" 

"I'll take her" Lena blurted out

Alex and Kara turned to look at Lena shockingly.

"Are you sure?" Kara asked

"No! not really. But I understand that being on bed rest can be agonizing"

"Okay" was the only word that came from Alex

"Okay. Like I can go?" the Kryptonian asked

"Yes, you can go. But if anything happens, call me okay?" Alex asked pointing at Lena

"Okay" Lena answered

Kara got out of bed and headed outside with Lena by her side. 

The ride home was filled with silence and a lot of tension between them. None of them uttered a single word.

There was a lot that needed to be said, they both knew that but who would go first? Kara or Lena?

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