Lex Luthor Finale

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"They'll betray you again, Lena. They did before, they will do it again, they're keeping you close, afraid of what you'll do because they know you're capable of extraordinary things my dear sister. They'll keep you from me, they'll keep you from your real family, but in the end, you'll see they'll betray you." Said Lex Luthor in handcuffs, locked up in a DEO facility somewhere deep deep in a hole you couldn't possibly find

Lena had asked the director of the DEO to be the one to talk to him first. To interrogate him, to let him know they finally had him.

But who said Lex Luthor would go down without a fight?

I mean hello! Have you met the guy? An evil genius like him, he can manipulate to get his way, with his meticulous ways he can plan anything, and he'd make sure to come out on the other end successful. So, if you really think about it, who is to say he didn't want to be caught?

No one.

But let's hope that, that is not the case, shall we?

"She doesn't love you" he spat out, then continued, "you tried to protect her from my little spy William and what did she do? She left. She left you. Now she's back and what do you think will happen? Do you think she's going to come back to you after what you did? You should know better sis" Kara's voice stopped Lena from raging the moment she walked in, "Is that the best you've got Lex?"

The immediate surprise of Kara's appearance kept Lex from putting his mask of jovial indifference back on and the revulsion in his eyes could be seen as he looked at the Kryptonian.

"I see you for what you are Kryptonian" he owned his words as if he had any clue of what the actual f* he was going on about

"You have her fooled. All of you. But I'll open her eyes" he disclosed, "I'll make her see you for what you truly are" he finally screamed out loud looking at Supergirl then the cameras to his right

"Are you finished?" the girl of steel asked imperiously as she rested her fist on the table in front of Lex and in a blink on an eye Lena saw Lex Luthor quaking in fear, for just a millisecond. But it was there, she could swear she saw it. After all who wouldn't be afraid under those eyes, dangerous mix of fire and steel. (I certainly would be)

"No, I am most definitely not done" he finally answered Kara's question then turned to Lena, "you're a Luthor through and through Lena. We're family, connected by blood and there is nothing you can do to quell that nobility. It's in your veins, so my dear sister, join me and let's take on the world. Let's make them kneel before us, worship us, praise us like the Luthors' we are. And leave the Kryptonian be nothing but a forgotten footnote in your legacy" Lex stood his ground as if he owned the place

"You know what Lex? I think you're done!" Kara moved, she stepped forward, again another step towards Lex, "And I think you've finally gone mad" she mutters then continues, "you've always been mad but this? this is next level" she finished her sentence

He smiled, not at all shaking himself from his megalomaniac trance

"Lena, can I have the room with Lex" it came as a question perhaps a request but let me assure you it was not

Lena seemed to read the mood, so she left the room without a word. The minute she closed the door behind her the Kryptonian was already holding Lex by the neck against the wall with only one hand.

"Lex? I'm going to ask only once, 'are there any other missiles aimed at the city?"

He remained quiet with the exception of his racing heartbeat and his rising fast breathing, "Lex?" Kara asked as she pressed against his neck and at the same time her eyes turned fiery (time to melt someone)

"Okay, okay" he caved in, "just one"

"Where?" she forcefully asked as she pushed him against the thick wall (she was clearly enjoying it a little too much)

With appreciation of his life, Lex gave up the location of the missile "420 N 530E 340S" he managed to choke out the last words

"See... that wasn't so hard, was it? You just needed a little motivation, just a slight push to get you over the edge" Kara voiced with a little smirk on her face as she walked towards the exit, "Oh and Lex? this time, you're going somewhere no will ever find you, you won't even know where you are, so no more escaping for you" Supergirl informed him, "somewhere I'll be watching closely" she said her final words as she shut the door behind her

"I'll be seeing you Supergirl" Lex muttered under his breath knowing Kara could hear him.


After disarming the missile, transporting Lex to a prison where no location shall be given (CLASSIFIED), apprehending William Dey and making sure everything was sort of back to normal in the city, where the missiles had hit and shaken up buildings across town. Kara finally managed to return to the DEO where everyone looked like shit.

Not much was said really, everyone was mostly quiet, they didn't know what to say most of the time. Kara didn't either talk either

They had lied to her, all of them had. They all reeked off guilt. All of them.

They finally assembled around the big round table to discuss a few things then everyone bid their goodbyes to head home after an exhausting day.

Their breakup would have to wait for the heat to cool down especially now that Kara looked at them like she was ready to freeze them all.

And so, they departed one by one. Until there were two.

Standing there in the middle of the DEO, looking at nothing but deep space, her thoughts somewhere far away, looking tired and completely utterly worn-out Lena Luthor turned her head and her eyes immediately bore into Kara's and she could feel her resolve waver momentarily. She wanted to throw herself into her arms and ask Kara to take her millions and millions of miles away, light years, planets, galaxies away from her brother, away from this world, this universe. But she couldn't. She just fucking couldn't. On the other hand, when Kara's eyes met Lena's, she hesitated.

Did she want to get into it now? Definitely no. She was too drained for that conversation. Another day perhaps. And so, she chose against walking up to her, she went the other way, merely waved Lena goodbye before she left.

Hopefully next time they'd meet they'd hash things out. Clear the air. 


Just wanted to finish Lex's story. I hope you liked it.

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