James Olsen

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Kara's POV

At Kara's Apartment


I heard someone knock on the door.

"Coming..." I called from my room

As soon as I opened the door, I couldn't believe who it was. It was Lena. I wasn't expecting to see her.

"Lena hey" I greeted with excitement

"Hey, Kara. You look elegant...going somewhere?" Lena asked

"Uuh..um.. yeah actually" 

"Where are you going at this time? isn't it late?" she asked but it sounded more like a statement to me.

"I uh.. um... I have a date. With...James"

"Oh!" Lena replied

All she had to say was 'oh!'

"That's great, I'm happy for you Kara" As soon as she said it out loud, I didn't believe her, it wasn't even convincing

"So, you are not upset?" I asked

"No. I'm not upset. Why would I be?"

"Well..first, I didn't tell you about it and two, you and James used to date" I pointed out

"Yeah well that was a long time ago...And I moved on and so did James. So I'm not upset, I'm just glad that you are putting yourself out there"

"Thanks, Lee. Sometimes I wonder how lucky I am to have you as my best friend"

"Believe me when I say this, but I am the lucky one Kara," Lena said with so much truth in her words

"Anyway, I've got to let you get to your date," she said

As Lena was about to get out of the door, I remembered she came here for a reason.

"Uh..., Lena? you came here for something but I ended up talking about myself the entire time. I'm sorry. What is it? is everything alright?"

"Yeah everything is okay, just wanted to see how you were doing"

"Oh! thanks"

"No need to thank me, Kara, you know I'm always here if and when you need me," Lena said

"Yeah I know and I'm here  if you need me too" I replied

Lena's POV

I couldn't wait to get out of Kara's apartment, and it's not because I didn't want to see her but because it was all too much to handle, I mean the woman I am deeply in love with, who confessed to having feelings for me was going on a date with my ex-boyfriend who cheated on me. 

I never really told Kara that James cheated on me, I guess I never wanted Kara to choose between James and me just because she felt like she had to.

So I just told her that, we were too different, and we weren't getting along.

Anyway back to what I was saying earlier...

I don't know what to do. The fact that Kara is going out with James f******  Olsen kills me. I hate that she is going to spend the night with James, I hate the fact that she doesn't know James as I do, she always sees the best in people and gives them a chance which is one of the million things I love about her. I hate that I'm jealous when I should be happy that she is happy after all that's all I care about; her happiness.

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