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It'd been a long, excruciating and tiring day.

A day they never thought they'd see.

They had managed to shrunk Lex and place him in a bottle, where he'd never hurt anyone else.

And in that very moment, they knew they'd be okay. All of them. They all knew that they would be okay once again.

And so, Kara had flown Lena home after the horrible day they'd had. She had touched down outside the balcony and Lena took her hand and Kara pulled her to her feet, then swept her up into her arms. Lena held the back of Kara's neck, watching her face. Kara looked back at her, eyes steady and warm. They didn't kiss. They didn't speak. The silence was too important for that. Lena pressed their foreheads together, breathing in deeply as Kara walked them into the bedroom. Her heart had begun racing and she felt a deep well of emotion rising in her throat.

Kara set her carefully on her feet beside the bed. Lena kept her arms over Kara's shoulders, leaning in and kissing her neck as she undid the clasp on the back of her dress. She felt Kara's hands at her back, letting down her zipper. Kara shrugged out of her suit, letting it fall in a quiet heap at her feet. Lena did the same, stepping out of it, pulling Kara close to her, letting her lips drift across her shoulder, down her collarbone to the hollow of her neck.

Kara took a deep breath, her chest shuddering a little. She wrapped her arms around Lena, holding the back of her head, nosing into her hair. They stood there a moment, their bodies pressed together, breathing each other in.

Then Lena pulled Kara onto the mattress, laying over her. She touched Kara's cheek. Kara was searching for her face, her expression a mix of unnameable emotions. She seemed slightly breathless but patient as if giving Lena all the time she needed. 

The crease had appeared between her eyebrows, and Lena touched it gently. She was taking it all in, branding Kara's face permanently into the corners of her brain. This was where Lena was safe, in Kara's eyes, in the love and awe and gentleness of her expression.

This was where she belonged.

Where she felt safe and loved. Wanted and appreciated. She knew she belonged with Kara, her and her alone.

Not Supergirl,

Not Kara Danvers,

Not the hero everyone knew or wanted, but her Kara Zor El

Only Kara Zor El.

Soon Kara pressed her body down against Lena's, their skin meeting. Lena locked their mouths together again, tongue slipping past her lips. She lifted her hips, grinding against Kara's leg. She could feel her wetness growing. Kara then kissed across Lena's chest, down the soft skin. Her mouth moved on Lena's breasts, massaging her nipples with her tongue, grazing them ever so slightly with her teeth. Lena arched, moaning, twining her fingers through her blonde hair.

Kara's hands were on her back, holding her up as she arched, bringing her body closer to her moving mouth. Her eyes were closed. She moved her ministrations downward, kissing across Lena's torso, tracing the lines of her with her tongue. Her hands were massaging Lena's breast as she slowly and flawlessly moved down on her. Her mouth was warm, its movements skilled. Lena bit her lip, remembering the feeling of it between her legs. She wanted to beg, but she didn't dare. She could only stand to give Kara so much power.

The Luthor let her head fall back, a small cry pulling out of her throat. Kara's tongue was warm and insistent, moving against her heat hungrily. Lena held Kara's head closer, biting her lip to keep from making too loud a noise. Kara made a low sound of satisfaction, her hand gripping Lena's thigh more tightly.

Her legs began trembling.

She lay back on the bed, arching a little, both hands on the back of Kara's head now. The heat had begun to build already, tension working its way through her muscles.

"Please Kara" she whispered

"Please what?" the Kryptonian decided to tease her, "beg for what you want babe" she continued

Lena was silent for a minute or two. Was being fucked by Kara really worth her pride?

Oh, yes it was

"Please... Please fuck me" The Luthor begged clearly no longer in the mood for waiting

"Your wish my command" was the only response from Kara

She rocked her hips up, meeting the rhythm of Kara's mouth. Kara moaned and began to pick up-tempo. The heat was growing, sending spasms through Lena's taut body. She lifted her head a little to look down at Kara. Kara's eyes were rapturously closed, her head nodding in time to the steady movements of her mouth. Lena felt suddenly breathless for an entirely separate reason, and she tenderly touched the side of Kara's head. The words were on the tip of her tongue, but then Kara looked up at her, and her eyes were dark and hungry, and her mouth was warm and wet and just right and the heat overtook her then. It burst open from her core, rippling up and out in waves and Lena was arching back against the bed and holding her mouth to keep from crying out and her hips were pulsing as if with a will of their own, pulling more from Kara's generous mouth, more until she was shaking and collapsing all at once and the heat dissipated and she lay there, boneless and breathless and glowing a little.

"I love you" Kara whispered to her in the dark as she kissed her cheek and then her forehead, "I love you so much" she added

"You've shown me, love. You've shown me how much you love. You always have" Lena told her.

They'd been lying in bed, silence materializing over them. Just utter silence, no words uttered, yet so much was being said. Love, family, forever, just forever and even more forever

Their bubble, however, was broken when a knock was heard from the door. Who could it be this late, in the night?

Neither moved nor tried to. They were shutting out the outside world, they needed their own time and space. Away from everyone. For now, they were just Kara and Lena. Lena and Kara

The knock did not go away. In fact, it was becoming louder and louder

Kara turned to look at the woman lying beside her, she didn't want to let her go but someone needed to be taught a lesson

The Kryptonian took her lover's hands and kissed them hard, then looked into her eyes and kissed her forehead and Lena knew.

She knew what Kara was telling her, "I love you, more than anything. But I have to go and I promise I won't take long" 

As soon Kara let go of Lena's hand and her feet touched the floor, she woke up. 

"Kara, open up" and that's when it dawned on her, Alex had been knocking on her door. 

She turned to look at her side, Lena wasn't there, no one was

It had been just her and nothing, without noticing she had been sleep-flying, she crashed her bed into small pieces of wood, her mattress flying over, her back hitting the floor. "son of a...gut" she tried to curse

"But Lena was here," she thought

"Kara, I swear I'm going to kick this door open" Alex threatened from the outside, and then it hit her, only then did she realise it was only just a dream. 

"Open my eyes
It was only just a dream
So I travel back, down that road
Will you come back? No one knows
I realize it was only just a dream"

Just a dream by Nelly

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