Friend Talk

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Third-person POV

"Lena? you need to wake up" Kara called out

"Five more minutes. Please" Lena insisted

"We are late for work Lena. We slept in, it's already 9.30 and we were supposed to start work two hours ago. You need to wake up" 

"At least give me a moment to shed the sleep from my brain, to allow the visions of the night to give way to the day, to move from that which I create on a whim to things more fixed and real. In a few minutes, I will be able to greet the sunlight, to see the colours as bright as the backlit images of cinema screens; I will adjust. For now, let it come with the subtleness of gentle dawn and let me doze underwing. I'll be there soon, I'll wake up, you'll see" Lena tried to convince Kara and herself she'd wake up soon but the Kryptonian wasn't buying it

"C'mon Lena, you know my boss doesn't like it when I'm late for work and I don't want to get fired, not today"

"Your boss sounds like a real bitch" she said

"She is actually a great boss, who happens to be my best friend. And by the way, no one gets to call her a 'bitch'."

"Ooh Kara Danvers you are so protective of your boss, almost sounds like there is more to the story than you are letting on." Lena teased

Just as Lena said it out loud, all the memories from the previous night came sprinting to her head. Recollections about Kara admitting that she had feelings for her, feelings that she had had for a while. 

Lena was now tensed up.

That's until Kara spoke.

"Yeah actually, she is an amazing boss and friend and when people insult her, they usually don't get away with it, not that easy"

"Ooh.. now I'm so terrified" she chuckled

"You should be"

"What if your boss supposedly slept over at her employees' apartment and let's say she was to give this employee a day off to catch up with her best friend, what would you say?"

"I'd say.....sounds like fun"



"So what's the plan?" Lena asked

"Lot's and lots of fun is the plan" Kara replied with excitement.

"Okay...So where do we start?" the Luthor asked

6hrs later

Lena's POV

After spending the day with Kara which was a lot of fun btw, I had to go to L-Corp to see Sam, I needed to talk to her about Kara, about EVERYTHING.

At L-Corp

"Lenaa? I wasn't expecting to see you today" Sam stated as she stood and walked towards me.

"I, I need to talk to you"

"Is everything okay?" she asked

"Yeah everything is fine, i just uh...i don't know what to do"

"What is it?" she asked with a concern written all over her face

"It's Kara!"

"What do you mean? Did something happen? Is she okay?"

"No! she is fine"

"Oh thank God, i thought something happened"

"It's something else"

"What is it about?" Sam asked

"She um..."

"Lena you are scaring me. What is it?"

"So you know the other night when we left the DEO and went to her apartment, after everything that happened, I helped her sort some things out at her place and then we talked through some stuff but after some time I was tired and started drifting off to sleep but before then I think Kara thought I was asleep and she might have said she has feelings for me, but it was more of like everything she felt about me"

"Lena that's great" Sam squealed

"No! It's not great Sam"

"And why is that? I mean you've had feelings for Kara for a long time now."

"Because...we can never be together"

"But why? You two are crazy about each other, i'm surprised you didn't tell her you love her too"

"Sam, you didn't hear what she said. She was so vulnerable and I have never seen her like that. Kara has always been strong and in control but last night was different..."

"And this comes as shock to you why?"

"Because she is Supergirl, she is this city's hope and hero. But if we are together, and then if something happens, it'd be because of me. I'm a Luthor sam, and my name will always follow me and I'm afraid that if Kara and I get together, the Luthor name will follow her too"

"You know..last night she said that I am her weakness. It broke my heart. She is the girl of steel for Rao's sake, she already has Kryptonite to deal with as her weakness, it shouldn't be me"

"Lena... I'm not sure if I'm supposed to tell you this but, I think you should know this before you decided not to tell Kara you have feelings for her. Remember the time when you were kidnapped by queen Rhea?"

"Yeah, I remember that day when Supergirl saved me"

"Yeah well, she uh....." Sam hesitated 

"What is it, Sam?"

"Supergirl or in this case Kara had a choice to save either her mum, who had come to national city from argo or you. And she decided to let her mum die to save.." before Sam finished her statement, i finished it for her

"To save me.."

"Yeah" sam replied in a low voice that said, 'I'm sorry'.

"Why would she save me instead of her mother? she should have saved her mum instead of me, I mean she has always wished that she'd get another chance to see her parents and she got a chance with her mum.. she should have saved her instead of me. I'm not worthy of her love and compassion. I'm not worthy of her"

"Lena I'm sorry for sounding like a bitch, but you need to get your shit together and realise that Kara f****** loves you and you love her. If you take too long to tell her that you love her back, someone else will and i'm telling you, you will regret it"


"Lena there are not buts. You know how many times, I've had to watch you two in a room full of people and felt like hitting your heads together and make you two idiots get in bed already? So you better go get the girl before I do something I will regret. And I don't want the Kryptonian coming for me next. So please do me and yourself a favour and tell Kara you love her already"

"Yes ma'am"

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