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"Just gonna stand there and watch me burn,

But that's all right because I like the way it hurts" 

- Rihanna, "Love the way you lie, part II)

A LIE is a betrayal. It is a burning of the soul. It is a dusty hot road on which the mind and body wither. She had lost the one she had loved the most in the world, the one who had kept her stable more than anyone ever could. But she had lost her in a way she had never seen coming. Nor expected.

It was as if the knife sat precariously on her skin, soft enough to not pierce her neck, hard enough to enforce the intended message. The harsh metal should have been cold and raw against her bare skin, but her numb body could not feel anything except for the excruciating pain of her betrayal. Her throat and heart held in a silver grasp and all she could do was stare lifelessly at the green eyes that held the blade and a terrifying coldness she had never seen before. She had always thought her eyes were emerald but looking at them now she could see no trace of the vibrancy they once held, no trace of the loyalty she once knew.

Trembling, she tipped her chin up into the sharpened edge, tempting her to end her anguish, half hoping she would. But she saw something else in her eyes, she couldn't place what it was. But it wasn't far from regret but again, it was more than regret. More than a simple lie, perhaps she had an exquisite reason or maybe everything had just been a ruse. A lie.

Or maybe NOT.

How could she have been so dumb? Why had they seemed so good a few days ago only to be full of flaws now? 

As her mind span, it's usual carousel of reasons she would never amount to anything, but as everyone arrived, she pulled herself together. 

"Okay everyone, gather up" her loving dear sister, who also happened to be the director of the DEO commanded

The eight members including Kara, Nia, Brainy, Alex, J'onn, Kelly, M'gann and Lena all gathered around the round table. Alex had sent them a text to get here since there was an urgent case that needed immediate neutralisation.

"Thanks, everyone for coming, I appreciate your time since most us lead double lives but this is very urgent as you might already know what we are up against" Alex welcomed everyone as she also got straight to the chase.

"Uh...what is this about?" Kara who had no freak-in idea what was happening asked eager to know why she had been called in considering there was no supergirl emergency.

"It's about a case we have been monitoring for the last couple of months and the timeline has just been moved up. So, we are moving up our timeline as well" the director shaded some light into the case trying to fill Supergirl in step by step. "What's the case," Supergirl asked

"About a month ago, a DEO agent was captured by a group that has been underground for a while now. We thought it was just a normal case, so we went in and we brought the agent back home and as he was being debriefed, he mentioned that the group wanted to know everything he knew about Supergirl. Your physiology, krypton, including your secret identity, basically everything about you Kara. We thought and we still think that they want to use you for something they are planning to do, we weren't sure what until days after when William approached Lena and started asking the same questions the agent had been asked. Lena thought it wasn't just a coincidence, so we started monitoring William Dey but he was too careful, so we came up with a plan-" Alex didn't manage to finish what she was about to say when Kara cut in

"And let me guess, that plan was to send my girlfriend to sleep with a bloody who knows what he is, so that what? she can gather intel on him? Do you know how crazy that sounds? And you didn't think to tell me this?" Kara was now fuming with rage, she could barely see clearly, she wanted to punch someone something 

"We thought it might be safe to keep you in the dark for a little while until the situation was neutralised" J'onn commented trying to help but instead he just added salt to a wound (that sucks btw, don't try it)

"Wai....t, we?" she asked, "everyone knew?!!" she continued 

Everyone was quiet, no one dared to admit what was written all over their faces.

"You know what? don't answer that" she said sounding so hurt and betrayed looking so defeated with the lies

She wondered how long the so-called situation had been going on.

"Well since you all decided that I should be kept in the dark and that you have the situation handled, why don't you handle it? and I'm just going to leave you to it huh? how about that?" she asked smirking with a bitter smile not needing answers but more of rhetorical questions

They all knew they had messed big time, and if you'd walked in on them, you wouldn't hear even a heartbeat 

"Seems like no one is talking now huh? well, I will." she continued "you know...I thought we were a family, that we told each other everything, either good or bad, that we were there for each other no matter what, but I guess I was wrong" and with that, the girl of steel was gone.

She flew out without glancing back leaving her family standing rooted to the ground, eyes wide agape, regret written all over them.


It was like she was howling alone, on the verge of something to happen! Things were creeping into her body....... her mind was on fire, thoughts were burning ....... she could hear the rustling and smell the ashes. Her shoulders were tremendously heavy, weighing her down, leaving her paralysed. What an agony she had become too... No! No! she had survived, being alone again!
That feeling of solitude had dominated her heart, clinging every thread, catching them. The betrayals of the people she loved the most or so she thought, left her heart abandoned, but live there the cobwebs billow like curtains inside her heart. Sadness was hovering over the heart and the mind!
In her dreams, everything had changed! Devouring over memories, slithering back, drinking the venom, thinking it's the remedy for her pain.
Ambivalent she was!! Vigilant all she could be, loneliness what she had!

Alone AGAIN!

With her pounding thoughts, she heard her phone chime

"What hides behind the lies are truths that failed to get to the light. What lies behind my betrayal may have been honest at first sight. What concealed my pain is what keeps reminding me of you every night. I am very deeply sorry, and I believe everything will come out when the time is right" Her heart shattered at the text from her love. Wait! was she her lover anymore? Who knows? (I don't!) You'd have to ask Kara Danvers that.

Could her heart, break more than it had?


But, what do I know?

She couldn't sit, couldn't walk, couldn't think, she wanted to disappear, maybe into a deep deep hole, where no one could ever find her. She wanted to be gone. And so, she was. GONE!

But where?

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