Alex and Lena (Sister & Lover)

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You'd think seeing her sister after some time apart would change her heart & mind but you'd be surprised that, that is not the case. 

As soon as she opened the door and looked into her sister's eyes, she wanted to run.

She wanted to go back to Bhutan, the Himalayas mountains.

She didn't want to be standing in front of the sister who lied to her, who she had thought never in a million light-years would she keep such important details from her. I mean, they were close, shouldn't that be enough not to be kept out of the loop?

As Alex stood there, fear travelled in her veins but never made it to her facial muscles or skin. Her complexion remained pale and matt, her eyes as steady as if she were shopping for shoes. The moment her sister let her in "come in", she let out an understated sigh that she hadn't noticed she was holding.

As she walked in she asked, "so..J'onn told everyone at the DEO you were back, why didn't you let us know you came back?"

"Wow Alex, that is just ironic, isn't it? I mean you all kept this whole huge thing from me and now you expect me to tell you what? that I came back? that after this whole mess with Lex I'll be taking time off as Supergirl and as a reporter? and what makes you think that I'll tell you anything after you lied to me?"

"wait! you're not staying?" Alex asked

"Is that all you got from what I just said?" Kara paused then continued, "Alex, you lied to me. After what we've been through, I always thought I could count on you because we're the Danvers sisters and nothing can shake us. But I guess I was wrong. Plus, you knew I loved Lena and you let her do it anyway, Alex that's disgustingly disappointing, did you ever stop to think of how I'd feel? or did you think I wouldn't find out or did you just plan on never telling me? I mean if it were Sam, where would you be right now Alex? you'd be at a bar, you'd be a wreck at work and probably worse. So please tell me how I should feel about my sister keeping secrets from me? should I hate you? I probably should, but I don't, so please tell me about work, because I don't think any explanation can change anything between us right now"

"Okay I deserve that" she muttered under her breath then went on, "Lex has been going in and out of prison with the help of the warden, he's been planning everything and now we don't know where or what he's planning to do" she ended her explanation, "we have no idea how to find him"

"I do," Kara said

"What?" the other sister asked with much confusion on her face, "how?" she continued

"I just do. But I'm going to have to talk to Lena" she said

"Okay go talk to Lena, I'll go check on a lead I got this morning and we'll meet at the DEO" Alex proposed as she walked towards the door

"Sure" was the only response from the younger Danvers (technically Kara is older than Alex, isn't she?)

The Kryptonian flew to the Luthor's penthouse but did not use the door, she went to the balcony and as Kara but as Supergirl that way she'd be strong enough to handle what was coming next. Supergirl was strong and could handle anything but Kara Danvers, not so much.

However, still, it had become hard to be one person with Lena. She always had a way with all of Kara Zor El's identities.

In a short while, she arrived at her destination.

And all the reasons not to do what she was about to do came flooding in as if her body chemistry just sent her a blanket invitation and she felt the soft panic that could grow or fade depending on what she did next. It would fade if she backed away, but then she'd have to do it all over again another time. It would grow if she let the thoughts swirl into a vortex of stupidity, eating their own tail. Or she could breathe real slow, let the thoughts leak into the ether and be the real boss of her.

And so she breathed in and knocked the balcony door

As she stood there waiting for the Luthor to open the door to let her in, she couldn't stop imagining how the Luthor was doing, how she looked. Was she eating? sleeping? taking good care of herself?

But her thoughts were interrupted when Lena opened the door

As soon as she laid eyes on her, she couldn't move, couldn't do anything but look into her eyes, they both did.

Staring isn't quite the word for what Kara did, though she'd fit the dictionary definition to a tee. Her eyes rest, not unblinking but slowed; yet the effect is soft and inviting instead of harsh. Perhaps it was her lips that gave away her intention, not quite smiling but tilting as if they meant to.

A moment or two later, Lena spoke, "Wanna come on" she asked, but it was more of a statement by the sound of it

"I-I-...sure" the Kryptonian stammered

Silence gnawed at her insides. Silence hung in the air like the suspended moment before a falling glass shatters on the ground. The silence was like a gaping void, needing to be filled with sounds, words, anything, it was poisonous in its nothingness.

The stillness was eerily unnatural, like dawn devoid of birdsong. Silence clung to them like a poisonous cloud that at any moment could choke the life from them as it seeped into their every pore, like a poison slowly paralyzing them from either speech or movement.

"Your heart is beating too fast" Kara spoke quietly as she raised her head to look at Lena but not in the eyes, at her chest, where her heart is located (she was totally not looking at her boobs, DEFINITELY NOT.......okay okay maybe a little bit, just a little)

"Your hands are shaking" Lena responded as she looked at Kara's hand

The Kryptonian only bit her lip as she looked down at her hands and said, "yeah they are"

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