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Instead of Lena Luthor waking up to her lover, she wakes up to the aroma of croissants, toast, hash browns and all the other confectionaries you could possibly imagine for breakfast on a Sunday morning. She mostly preferred waking up to the Kryptonian's presence in her bed but waking up to breakfast was the second-best thing.

"Morning beautiful" Kara greets as Lena walks towards her all smiles. Kara happily opens her arms for her, "morning love" Lena replies as she hugs Kara for more than a minute

"You okay," Kara asks noticing that Lena was not like her usual self

"Yeah I'm okay, just feeling a little drained darling" she answered with absolute certainty that it was just tiredness and nothing to worry the Kryptonian.

"Breakfast?" Lena mentioned, sounding like a question but also as a statement inviting both Kara and herself to breakfast

After a long breakfast full of laughter and teasing, they both decide to take a shower together before they start their different jobs as two strong women with multiple responsibilities to National city.


Lena's POV

I felt a hot breath on my neck, then the tender brush of lips. Burning as they make contact with my neck. A hand runs through my hair, as the kisses become harder and more urgent. Another hand slides around my waist and pulls me close to her pine-scented body. Her kisses are now on my shoulders and in my hair.

She knows that once she kisses my neck my resistance will crumble. After just a few delicate touches of her warm lips, my hands will start to do her bidding. They will fall down her back as my head swims, all previous thoughts stopped in their tracks. Now there is only one desire, one wish, and we both know it's just a matter of time before it happens.

Kara then holds my neck with her hands and looks into my eyes, "the thought of your body, just the whisper of my imagination, and I am incapacitated. There are no thoughts, no focus, only desire and the pain of waiting" her words were more than enough to make me wet my panties, "then why the wait?" I provoke then I trace her lip lightly with the tip of my finger. It pouts slightly, and I have such an urge to bite it, to kiss it, to wrap us up in a quilt and listen to our gentle breathing, watching the water run like a river in my dream and sharing crooked smiles. Her lip feels slightly chapped under my feather-light touches but I simply cannot bring myself to give a damn. I gaze so intently at each divot of that lip as if it could map out ancient seas and college plans and tell me everything I don't know. And I don't want to look up. Because if I look up, I may find myself at the mercy of questioning eyes, pleading, begging to know what I was doing, and I'm not at liberty to say because I simply do not know. "Do I want to marry her? Do i want to make her mine and mine alone" I cannot form an answer with my lips because I am so focused on hers?

Or would the slight tickle of her breath expelling from that goddamn lip cause my words to stick to my throat, plastering themselves to my trachea and refusing to dispel into the palpable air? And the silence would have carried on forever and ever until we dispersed into dust and scattered ourselves between remains of atoms of an age long gone - until a time I might hear her voice echo through the nothing.

Or I'm I just that crazy about her?

God, I don't know.

I hadn't noticed that I'd been in deep thought when she wrapped her arms around me in a moment and I let my head rest upon her chest. All my thoughts stopped as if my heart took over from my head when we were close. Next, she would squeeze as if she needed to check I was really there with her, really there and really real... and I was, body and soul. I doubt anyone else ever felt the way I do about being in her arms, though I pity them if they did love this much and lost because that's a pain that kills soft and slow.

Unfortunately, it all had to come to an end when she was called in by the DEO for an emergency. I could see her battle in her head whether to leave or to be by my side, but she is the girl of steel and I know her too well to let her stay. So I assured her that I would be fine and to be back after she's done.

It took everything in her to leave but after complete utter and absolute reassurance, she gathered herself and left and God if I didn't know, I'd say I'm undividedly in love with her.

A/N: It's been a while since I updated here and I just wanted to check in with you guys. Be safe

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