Such Beauty Cannot be Equated to any Other

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They stood in awe as the great mountain loomed before them, cold grey crevices holding the blood of many battles. While the lower passes wore a cloak of greenery, the peaks were crowned with a headdress of ice. Without a word passing between them, their hearts knew it to be a sacred place and stilled their minds.

The mountains soared upward as if determined to kiss the heavens. Just looking at them it was easy to see why the ancient Greeks thought of the Gods on Mount Olympus, ruling from their home in the clouds. Each of them was white-peaked, but nothing like the neat line around a chocolate waffle cone. The snow reached down from the cap in craggy white fingers, no doubt up close there were mighty cracks in the rock deep packed with ice. Lena smiled to herself. She never thought that one day she'd climb them, one day she'd look down on these tall pines like they were matchsticks. Then she'd see what God saw from heaven, he'd like that. 

"Kara this is beautiful" Lena commented the scene before her, it was the first time any of them had spoken since their arrival 

"Yeah it is, but it can't be compared to the true essence of your beauty " Kara responded to Lena's comment with such easy words but it sent shivers down Lena's spine

"Is that so?" Lena teased

"You know i think you're beautiful Lena, plus such beauty cannot be equated to any other" Kara praised her

"I could say the same about you" Lena countered back

Kara saw her chance to tease the the Luthor back and so she took it, "really?..."

"You know you're amazingly beautiful Supergirl" Lena had her own throwback 

"I didn't know you thought so highly of me" kara took their playful conversation further 

"Well you are woman of many talents Kara Danvers, of course i'd think highly of you" 

Kara couldn't resist to express her gentle tease "Lena Luthor!, i didn't know you could make a girl feel special" 

"Seems like there is a lot you don't know about me" Lena mentioned 

"And what is it that i don't know about you Lena Kieran Luthor?" Kara asked as she moved closer to Lena

"That i'm deeply and crazy in love with a Kryptonian" Lena answered cheerfully, as she drew her hands from her pocket to Kara's waist

Kara took Lena's hands in hers as she continued their conversation, "That really true?" 

"Undoubtedly" she answered the Kryptonian's question as she moved her hands to her neck

Kara bit her lips, eyes everywhere but on Lena. Then she moves closer with those eyes that look so deeply into her own, "i'm sure the Kryptonian feels the same".  Her breathing becomes softer, the pensive look melting into a smile as soft as the morning light. Her body squirms just a little as her muscles relax. There is something about that gaze of hers she'll never find in another being, as if in that moment their souls have made a bridge.

"I'm sure she does" lena replied softly

They both knew it was coming, a shy look before Kara held her gently, cupping her face with one hand. She leaned down and softly kissed the tender area at the base of her neck. Lena's body went rigid with surprise as trembles shook her body and the euphoric warmth blossomed within her once more. Lena was breathless with delight as he showered her with gentle, soft kisses, each with its own flicker of warmth. Lena gazed up at her, thrilled beyond words to be the recipient of his affection. She drew back again and spent a moment studying her face. 

Lena felt her blush deepen under her scrutiny. Kara gazed at her lovingly, her eyes softening with tenderness before sparking with something else. She tilted her head to the side and kissed her, her lips demanding. Lena felt a smoldering heat deep within her as Kara's grip tightened, crushing her body to her, gentle yet firm. She slanted her head further, deepening the kiss.

The kiss obliterated every thought. For the first time in forever Lena's mind was locked into the present. The worries of the day evaporated like a summer shower onto a hot car. Her usual mode of hurrying from one thing to the next was suspended, she had no wish for the kiss to end.  Her only desire was to touch her, to move her hands under her smooth layers and feel her perfect softness. In moments the soft caress had become more firm, she savoured her lips and the quickening of her breath that matched her own. A kiss like this was a beginning, a promise of much more to come.

Eventually the human needed to breath

"Kara?" she called for her

"Uhmhum" she responded with no wasted time

"Before you I always considered alternative lovers. I was faithful. Yet there was always a plan B. Now, even without you, neither in promise nor bodily presence, there is only my love for you. Should you evaporate as water into the sky, that will remain true for all of my days. And so now, for the first time in my life there are no plans at all... because you must be free. Love must be free. So all plans stop. It is as if my soul has stopped the search it has been on for a time that feels like forever, as if it no longer sees nor seeks a path, yet sits on soft grass upon a gentle hill. It was the simplest thing for you, with your eyes and voice, your touch and sexy confidence to take what no other ever could. It's not that I didn't want them to, I've wanted a love such as this for forever, it's simply that they weren't able to, as if my soul was in a different room and they didn't have a key. You had it though. You had it as if a higher power put it in your pocket with a whisper and a four leaf clover. In a way, when I met you I was stunned. My soul had been alone so long it was almost unsettling to suddenly have company. To find or seek another would be condemning myself to a lifetime in darkness, knowing full well what I hid from myself before. We can never go back can we? Once we have felt the real thing. So. All these miles away with the memories of our brief time together. It's all so silly. It's all so real. It's all so frustrating. It's all so painful. I wouldn't have it any other way Kara" Lena declared what she'd been holding back to her girlfriend

"Lena...i uh...i don't know what to say" Kara stammered as she admitted to have been blown away by Lena's words. Lena knew Kara loved her and so she knew that Kara didn't have to say anything "You don't have to say anything Kara, i just wanted you to know" 

There is the hug of gentle arms that still gives the space to breathe; then there is the hug of strong arms that tells everything that your are - body, brain and soul - that they are with you. Kara gave both of the hugs to Lena knowing it would perfectly express her feelings for her.

"Do you want to grab something to eat and spend more time up here or can i take you somewhere else?" Kara asked her as they pulled away

"Can we just stay" Lena asked gently and softly

"Of course babe, we can stay here as long as you want" she replied lovingly

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