Finding The Right Words

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Before I do this chapter, what song should Trollex sing to Queen Annika to restore her colors and confess his love for her? (vitarah01, you get the first vote!!)

A: True Colors

B: Looking Through Your Eyes

C: Bridge of Light

Vote in the comments and I'll decide which one is the most suitable for Trollex to sing.

After Queen Annika and her Techno Trolls fixed up Finn's looks, the Trolls swam into the tuxedo jacket to hide, in case no other Sharks could see them as Finn swam through town. Finn swam past some Sharks that started to look at him for being all fancy like. They've never seen anyone dressed up like that in forever. Even their pet eels find it a bit weird. As Finn continued to swim around Shark Kingdom, he then noticed Queen Fiona checking out some clothes for tomorrow night's Beast, Eat, Feast. He his behind the corner of a building so that the queen doesn't notice him...

Finn: Oh, my god! There she is! *peeks from the corner* Look at her. Isn't she beautiful?

Queen Annika looked out from her pocket in his jacket to take a look at Queen Fiona. It's been a few years since the last time she saw her. But as she saw Queen Fiona trying on bibs, she didn't quite like what she was seeing right now. She saw her wearing some weird clothes and a very tiny crown on her head. She's actually speechless.

Queen Annika: Uh,...sure. "Beautiful" . That's one way to put it.

Finn: Gah! What am I doing?! I can't do this! She's too perfect for me! I gotta get out of here before she sees me!!

Finn was about to swim from the building, but Annika swam out of the pocket and stopped Finn in his tracks to tell him to calm down and reason with him...

Queen Annika: *holds her hand out* Whoa, whoa, whoa! Hold it right there, Finn!. You're not going anywhere.

Finn: Huh? What do you mean?

Queen Annika: We're here to help you get a date with Queen Fiona, and that's what we're gonna do. Right, everyone?

Techno Trolls: *peek out from the jacket* YEAH!!! *hide back in the jacket*

Queen Annika: Trust me, Finn. I made another promise and I'm going to keep it. I'm not giving up hope yet.

Finn: Uh,...ok. If you say so. *exhale*

Annika swam back into the jacket with confidence in her heart. Finn went inside the building while waiting for the perfect moment to speak up to Queen Fiona of Sharks. The Queen kept trying of bibs to find the perfect one for Beast, Eat, Feast. But Queen Fiona had some trouble picking the right one...

Queen Fiona: Hmmm. I don't know about the hot pink bib with a dead Techno Troll on a burrito, but can I see the neon blue Bob with the group of dead Techno Trolls in sushi rolls again?

Suzy Sharp: Of course, your highness. *brings out the bib*  Here you are.

Queen Fiona: Ah, yes. This looks perfect. But, don't you have a different size for it? This looks a bit...small.

Suzy Sharp: I'm sorry, my queen. This is the only size I have left.

Queen Fiona: Ugh! Well, uh. Hey! Maybe this could work. Help me get this on.

Her guards tried to put it on, but it's no use. It's just too small...

Queen Fiona: Aww, I really wanted to wear that Bob for the feast.

Suzy Sharp: I'm so sorry, my queen. But, will the Techno Burrito work for you?

Queen Fiona: *sigh* It'll do. Bring it here, Ms. Suzy Sharp.

Suzy brought the Bob back out to the Queen and tied it around her neck. Finn looked at her with hearts in his eyes. Queen Annika and her Techno Trolls looked at the bibs and they find it very, very, very disturbing. But hey, only to help on Finn getting a date with the Queen. It's worth helping out a Shark friend in need of helping out.

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