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Meredith's pov:
After TWO full hours! I finally had finished trying on every lingerie they had picked out. They all where more than ecstatic to watch me try them all on. Not once did they stop on complementing me and even caressing my skin on times. I however quickly put a stop to it, not feeling like having sex in a public place. Other than my mates I do have some principals on that part. I tried to reason with the fact that someone could enter the store any second and also that the security cameras were still on. But Jane was quick to inform me that Anna has left for the day and that the cameras also have been turned off. Since I was completely confused she explains to me that Anna is one of the lower ranked vampires in the volturi coven and that she herself always comes here to shop. So I shouldn't worry at all!
When we had decided on which we are going to buy, Jane headed towards the counter and quickly pulls her card through the slot and lays another 100€ on the counter for Anna.
„Let's Go! I can't wait to finally get my hands on our lovely mate." alec says with a wide smile. His eyes burning into mine with pure passion. Guess the rest of the day is going to be spend in my, Well our bedroom. Ever since my first day here they have been staying in my room as well. They have asked if it would be possible to turn the room next to me into four other dressrooms. The three Kings instantly allowed it since they want to make my mates and me happy. To our luck it also wasn't much trouble since the room next to me belonged to alec and he was more than willing to move in with me instead. The drive back to the castle was filled with kisses and soft touches till Felix put a hold on it. He found it pretty unfair that as the driver he wasn't able to anticipate.
To my surprise Marcus was waiting for us back at the entrance with a welcoming smile.
„Heidi informed me that you found a few things?" he says but makes it sound more like a question.
„I did! Thanks to heidis help. I also would like to thank you for the credit card. If I spend to much I am going to repay it." I answer him feeling still a bit uncomfortable to spend his and his brothers money.
„Don't be silly darling! I am just happy you have found something to fill your empty dressing room." he fatherly says with a soft smile. Nodding at him in thanks, not really knowing what else to say.
„As i can see your mates have already found you. So I wish the five of you a wonderful evening!" he says with a wink towards me. To my luck I have already my normal vampire body back, otherwise I would of surely blushed crimson red!
„Thank you Master Marcus! We will make sure to take good care of our mate!" Demetri tells him before he leads me towards our room. Shaking my head at them, it's really incredible how they have no shame in anything, especially not in any bedroom department!
„I should get myself into the shower before getting in the bed. My body smells kind of gross from all the people that where around me the whole day." I say shortly before we enter the room. At first they seem about ready to disagree but than they only nod at me. What I didn't get though, was that they simply decided to get into the shower along with me!
„Guys, what are you doing?" I ask them with wide eyes since they strip down behind me.
„You are right about taking a shower. We were on a mission this whole day, so we definitely should take one to." Jane says with an innocent smile. Yeah, innocent my ass!!!
„We also are only trying to save some water by getting into the shower along with you!" Felix says, standing already naked in front of me. Since I needed to stop myself from gauging too much, I quickly turn myself around and went on with undressing myself.
„Let me help you love." alec whispers seductively. Wrapping his arms around me from my back to open up my jean buttons. Slowly he pulls them down until they fall down by themselves. Sighing into his soft touches, his hands slowly caressing up my legs before his thumbs sneak into my knickers. Slowly, as if in slow motion he pulls them down my feet till I stand in front of him completely naked. His already stiff penis touching my bum, promising me a good time.
And a good time I had in fact!!!

After a long and amazing night, filled with lots of love making with my mates. I now am standing on the balcony dressed with only an over sized hoodie. My phone starts to ring just as i closed the door behind me.
„Carlisle! It's good to hear from you!" I say softly. Feeling a small arch in my chest area, it's way too long since I have seen him and the rest of my family.
„It's good to hear your voice as well Meredith! How are you doing? I do hope that your mates are treating you good!?" he says with his usual overprotective big brother voice.
„I am doing pretty good. Miss you a lot though. How are you and everyone else?" I answer softly. It's strange how I am really happy here in Italy with my mates and everything, but on the other hand I feel horrible for not seeing my family in a very long time. I miss them extremely!
„We all are doing fine, thanks for asking. We also miss you a lot! It's been two months now since we have last seen you." he says with a heavy sigh.
„maybe I can come and visit you in the near future." I tell him hopeful that he will accept that and also that the kings would allow that.
„That would be really great Meredith!! We all would love to finally being able to hug you again! It's just way too long!" he reply's. I can literally hear his smile through the phone.
„That is true. I am going to ask the three kings if I could leave for a few days." I say feeling a bit down at the realization that I now had to ask permission to visit my family. It's a really foreign and weird feeling.
„Sounds like a Plan. Just tell me what they have said! I need to go now, the hospital has called to ask me to please come in today as well." he says with yet another sigh. Nodding to myself, I know how much he loves being a doctor and being able to help every human.
„That's Alright. Take care and stay safe Carlisle. Love you!" I sigh out sad to end the call so soon again.
„We Love you too Meredith!" he says before the line went dead. Overlooking the huge garden I think on how I need to get myself ready and to ask the three kings for permission. I really do hope they won't have any issue with it.

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