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Meredith's pov:
Four strong pairs of arms wrap around my body which makes me softly purr at them. Feeling so loved, cherished and protected from them.
„May i have a word with you darling?" Marcus soft and soothing voice asks me. His eyes are shining with love but there also is some curiosity in them.
„Of Course!" I say and quickly walk towards him. His eyes get even lighter the closer I get towards him. He sends his two confused brothers a look to which they nod to before leaving us alone. Pulling my mates along with them.
„Are you alright Marcus? You are worrying me." I say slowly getting frightened that something might be wrong with him.
„now that you are back in one piece i am more than alright again. Don't worry so much darling!" he answers me with shining eyes, softly pulling me into a hug. Confused at his action, however more than just happy about it, I hug him right back.
„You have no idea how happy I am that you are finally back with us again. I know that your family was keeping you safe and all, but still I worried a lot. You have brought back my smile after all those centuries off pure pain and nothingness. So I really was afraid that if something might happen to you, that I would lose my happiness once again." he softly whispers into my ear as if afraid someone would hear his declaration. My heart arches at hearing that, knowing from Carlisle how Marcus has been ever since he has lost his mate so long ago already.
„I am happy that I could bring you back some happiness. I consider you family, therefore I wouldn't like for you to feel so pained and emotionless all the time!" I tell him honestly. It's true though! Marcus is like family, just like my family back in Forks and my mates! Not that I don't care for aro or caius, quit the opposite! I do see them all as family, but more like uncles or something along those lines.
„Thank you darling! That also was what I was confused about. Like we already told you, I have the gift of seeing relationship ties. Our bond always was a light silver which presents a family bond. But now it's a really vibrant one. It is not unusual for bonds to change, but never without spending time together. So may I know what has changed?" he asks me after taking a seat on one of the around laying stones and asking me to do the same. Gnawing on my lip, a bit worried that he wasn't pleased with me seeing him as family that much.
„I honestly don't know for sure. Carlisle has often told me about you all, but mostly about you. About how sad he was that you have lost your true mate. And now that I got to know you, I want to make you happy again, even more so than before. I also was really worried that you might get back to your depressed state while we were gone to visit my family." i say a bit embarrassed at telling him. Surely he doesn't want me to hear about it, but I also don't want to lie to him. Two cold and strong arms wrap themselves around me, pulling me tightly into a hard chest. Sighing in relieve that he wasn't scolding me!
„That means a lot to me darling! And just so you know it, I do see you as my family as well!" he says and softly kisses my forehead making me giggle in pure happiness yet again.
„That is Good to hear! Oh, before I forget it! Carlisle asked me to give you this letter from him. I do hope it is a nice one, otherwise please let me know so I can scold him on your behalf." I tell him, handing the envelope with the letter along out of my handbag. At first he looks surprised but than only smiles at me and once again kisses my forehead.
„Thank you darling." he says and stands up with me still in his chest. Softly he lets me down on my own two legs before holding out his hand towards mine with a soft smile.
„Let's get you back to your mates. I am sure they are already antsy to get you back to them." he says with a chuckle. We slowly walk towards the street, knowing that our cars along with his brothers and my mates would be waiting there for us. When we come into sight, all their faces turn towards us right away. Looking up at Marcus fills me with a warm feeling when I see his eyes already watching me with a smile.
„So I guess your conversation was a good one brother?" aro asks Marcus with wide eyes. They all look pretty shocked at Marcus, weird. But than it suddenly dawned on me, they haven't seen him smile for centuries! Of course they look at him like that when he suddenly does!
„May i?" aro asks Marcus, already holding out his hand to him with hopeful eyes. Marcus at first seems to hesitate at seeing his brothers outstretched hand, but after an encouraging nod from me, he softly lays his hand in his brothers. I watch closely as aro lays another hand on top of Marcus and leans his head a bit foreword so he nearly has it above their joined hands. When aro pulls back I see his eyes glistening a bit before he is pulling me into a tight hug along with Marcus. Caius the always curious man, well vampire that he is, wants to know what is going on. Without an explanation though he only gets pulled into the hug as well. He doesn't really look too keen on showing affection in front of his four elite guards but aro isn't giving him much choice.
„Well, since I already got dragged into that. I would at least like to know what you had seen in our brothers memory." caius wants to know from aro. After promising to tell him on their way back, aro excuses himself and his brothers before leaving for their car.
„Ready to go back home sweetheart?" Jane asks me after stealing a kiss from me.
„Depends!" I say, trying to look as innocent as possible. Felix watches me suspiciously but the rest all look a bit worried I might not come with them back home. I concentrate on sending them a picture of them in bed with me, at first an innocent one but I slowly make them more sensual, remembering the last time we were intimate together. So after the last picture, i get hauled into the car before felix once again was deemed the driver, much to his annoyance may I add. From the drive itself, I don't get much other than getting attacked from alec's, Jane's and Demetris mouths and hands. Well, let the fun begin!
„Maybe I should call Seth after we get back home." I say trying hard not to moan at their actions.

Mated to 4 volturi guardsWhere stories live. Discover now