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Meredith's pov:
We all hear cars parking in front of the house and only seconds later quick footsteps run up the stairs.
„Carlisle? Esme? Everything alright I can smell other vampires here!?" I hear Edwards panicked voice. They all came running into the living room before stopping right in their tracks with shocked eyes.
„Meredith!?" emmet questions only a second before I am pulled into a tight hug from him.
„I have missed you!" he whispers into my ear a little choked up. Emmet and jasper always were the closest to me, except from Carlisle and esme of course! Not that i don't care for the others, but with the two of them I always had some kind of a connection. We understand each other pretty much none verbally.
„Missed you too teddy bear!" I whimper out with tears in my eyes. He softly kisses my forehead and caresses my face as if he is trying to make sure that I really am here with them and in his strong arms.
„Hello my fair lady!" jasper says and softly takes me out of emmets arms. He just like emmet has done earlier, pulls me tightly into his chest.
„Missed you too jasy!" I whimper, still feeling overwhelmed with my feelings of finally seeing them all again after two long months. When he slowly pulls away a few minutes later, he softly puts me down on my own two feet again.
„It's nice to see you all again as well!" I say and hug the rest one after the other.
„So are you going to introduce us to your mates limma bean?" emmet questions while nodding towards my mates. They did stand up form the couch but other than that, they haven't moved an inch.
„Of Course!" I say happy and pull emmet with jasper together to them.
„This are my mates, Felix, Alec, Jane and Demetri!" I say going from nearest to farthest.
„And this is the rest of my family, emmet, jasper, Rosalie, Alice, Edward and Bella!" I tell my mates while they all slowly start to shake each other's hands in greeting.
„I see you guys have already met our daughter." Edward says with a smile as he sees little renesmee cuddled into alecs chest peacefully asleep.
„We have indeed. She really is a cutie!" Felix answers with a smile towards the little girl.
„I will take her up to her bed." bella says with an unsure smile. Alec however only carefully hands the sleeping girl into her already awaiting arms.
„I am afraid she won't stay asleep for much longer since she was sleeping for about an hour already." he informs her before we all take a seat yet again. To Demetris disappointed, Jane was faster on sitting me on her lap this time. Once again shrugging at their antics, and only cuddle myself into her this time. Loving to be so close with my mates.
„I am guessing Carlisle has already informed you guys on not to feed around here." Rosalie asks them with a smile. Shocking me a little since I was pretty sure that she and the others won't be to accepting of my mates after everything that had happened throughout the years.
„He did, but we made sure to pack enough blood bags for all of us anyway. Our princess has already told us about the treaty with the shape shifters and the importance of not feeding around here since you have a permanent stay here. So no worries we won't cause any problems for you." Demetri answers her with a small nod. She looks a bit taken aback at first but than only smiles at me as if she is telling me that she approves of them. A warm feeling spreads out throughout my body at that.
„So, since I see my fair lady as my baby sister, I am afraid I need to tell you that if you ever hurt her, I will come and hunt you down. No hard feelings of course. But it's my duty to protect her!" jasper tells them sternly. I thought my mates would surely explode at that, but instead they are quick to agree with him.
„We haven't expected anything less from you." alec says.
„We also are really happy that our mate has such a great family that would do that for her. Master Marcus has informed us on the first day, that he has never seen such a tight bond within a family as he sees with Meredith. And now after seeing you all interact, we slowly see what he truly had meant by that. It's good to see that she always was and will be loved from her family." Jane says before kissing my lips softly.
„We also know that it surely isn't easy for you all to accept us as her mates, especially since our run ins never were pleasant in any way. But we do hope that we can work on that. We want our mate to be happy and for that we know she needs her family just like us." alec goes on with his explanation instead of his sister. I can instantly feel my eyes filling with tears yet again. I did ask them to try to get along with them, but I never thought they would make that much of an effort just to make me happy. My family all looks taken aback as well before they slowly smile at them, and just like that, I know they have accepted them.
„We were a bit uncertain as we heard it, but seeing you like this. And seeing Meredith that happy, we definitely are fine with this." Edward says just as little Renesmee came walking back down the stairs.
„I am not sleepy any longer." she says with a cute pout and the whole room chuckles and giggles at her cute antics.
„Well, how about a little snack than?" bella asks her softly, ready to lift her daughter back up again.
„Auntie makes her special cupcakes for me!?" the little one asks me with wide and hopeful eyes.
„If esme has every item around we can make them. You can even help me pumpkin!" I say and scoop her up making her giggle yet again.
„Of Course, the kitchen is stocked like always. Just take whatever you need!" esme says with a soft smile.
„Well, than off to the kitchen we go pumpkin!" I say and head off, hearing the rest of them chuckling at our retrieving backs.
„So do you want to make them with blueberries or with chocolate chips?" I ask after pulling everything else we need out of the cupboards and the fridge.
„Chocolate!" She squeals and happily claps her hands together.
„Ok, do you want to mix or should I do it?" I ask her. She thinks about it before taking the blender in her hands to do it herself.
„Let me help you on?" I say and softly hold onto it with her. She seems to relax the second I say that, so we start to mix everything together really good.
„Perfect! Do you want to add the chocolate?" I ask even though I already know the answer. She happily grabs onto the cup full of chocolate chips and dumps it into the Mixtur. After squirreling them into the dough we put them into the muffin liners and into the oven they go.
„So now we need to wait for fifteen minutes and than we can pull them back out. I tell the over excited girl and start to put everything back to the rightful place. Just as I finished the ding indicates that we can pull out the muffins. Taking them out I smell them throughout the whole room.
„Let's cool them a bit so you don't burn your mouth again." I say and softly kiss her cheeks. Only a minute or two later I pull one out of the liner and hand it to the little girl.

Mated to 4 volturi guardsWhere stories live. Discover now