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Meredith's pov:
When I hear a worried Jane saying my name, I look up and am immediately frightened that I seemingly froze Demetri and Felix up in time.
„Fuck!" I whisper to myself before releasing them again.
„I am so sorry!" I say and feel myself start to panic. They are going to hate me! They are going to leave me! No wonder they do! I am a horrible mate! How could I freeze my own mates!? On top of it I never even told them about my gifts.
„Love? Hey, please calm down love! We all are fine! No one is hurt! Just take a few deep breaths love!" alecs soothing voice says. He is sitting next to me now, just like my other mates. So close that they are nearly touching me but not yet. They let me decide if I want to be touched or not. How can my mates be this awesome when I am this horrible? They deserve so much better!!
„Princess, it's ok! We are here for you! Nothing happened. We love you!" Demetri says and kisses me softly. Throwing me right out of my inner worry.
„Ok, you can go back to your place. It's easier to explain with you not this close." I tell them after a few deep breaths. To my surprise they were quick to do as i asked them with encouraging smiles on their faces.
„Well, as I said I wanted to still be close enough if need would be. If there would of been a fight, your coven wouldn't of had a chance. I knew that and Carlisle knew that as well. That's why he asked me to please not to interfere." I go on with my explanation.
„I would of frozen up the time from all of us and then ripped you limp from limp with on hand move." I whisper out so quietly, kind of hoping they wouldn't be able to hear me.
„How do you mean you would of done that with one hand movement." felix wants to know. He doesn't seem afraid or something like that, he just looks really interested. Not knowing how to explain it, I instead lift one arm up and three of the larger rocks a bit behind my mates start to fly in the air behind them. When I open up my fist, the rocks rip in five different pieces before falling back down on the ground.
„Like that." I say with a deep sigh. They all look surprised and shocked, but than suddenly a relieved look overshadows their other expressions.
„That is absolutely amazing!!! This means no one will be able to hurt you!" Jane says before wrapping me into her arms.
„So you aren't afraid of me? Or angry that i haven't told you earlier?" I ask more than just surprised that they were all completely fine with it.
„Why should we be afraid? You obviously know how to use your gift. We do understand why you haven't told us. It's ok." alec tells me and softly pulls me into a hug himself. Only seconds later I can feel my other mates hugging me as well.
„That is the real reason Carlisle is this protective of me. He knows that my gift is a threat to a lot of people and he worry's that if too many will know of it, that I would get hunted down for that reason alone." I tell them quietly. Afraid that if they will hear another thing about it they might run away as fast as they can from me. Hearing four furious growls around me, makes me right away shut up.
„No one will even think of hurting you and definitely not about hunting you down!" Demetri growls out, pulling me even tighter into him. The other ones are quick to agree with him. I get squeezed a few more times before their growling slowly stops.
„We are going to protect you sweetheart! No one will dare even look at you wrongly!" Jane says with a growl none the less. Not knowing what to do to get her to calm back down again, I just cuddle myself tighter into her. Getting her to purr at my closeness to her in my time of need.
„I Know you are going to keep me safe! Know you all are going to protect me." I say and nuzzle my head in her neck.
„Trust you all!" i mumble out suddenly feeling completely drained from everything that had happened today. My eyelids getting heavier by the second, and since I feel complete safe being surrounded by my lovely mates, I let myself fall asleep. Surely Carlisle has told alec that I might fall asleep and not to worry.

Janes pov:
Feeling proud that my little mate has cuddled herself so tightly into me. Even more after she has told us all how she knows that we will keep her safe and that she trusts us. When I feel her bodyweight slowly getting more I look confused.
„Sweetheart? Are you ok?" I ask her softly. when she doesn't answer me, I get frightened. What happened? Vampires don't sleep so what is going on.
„She is fine sister." alec say softly. He looks way too calm right now. Looking towards her other two mates, I see them just as worried as I feel. So why is he staying so calm.
„Carlisle told me that she might fall asleep and not to worry if she does. He said something about emotional stress, but didn't go into more detail. So let's just carefully carry her back to their house. I am sure he knows what to do." he says in explanation. Guess that makes sense.
„It must of been stressful to tell us about her gifts. Have you seen her frightened look. She really thought we are going to run away from her." Demetri says and softly takes our little mate out of my hands. I would of screamed at him for that, but I know he just was afraid I might wake her by standing up.
„I don't understand why she would think we would be so willing on leaving her. Don't we tell her often enough how much we love her? How important she is to each of us?" felix questions after we slowly start our walk back to the Cullen residence.
„She has been hiding from everyone ever since she got turned. I guess she might not even know how the whole mate part works." alec says with a sad frown, nodding for him to please go on with his thought process.
„I mean, she only ever met her family. As far as I know they all were already mated by the time they found each other. And as her older brother, I don't think Carlisle has told her everything about esme and himself. Edward was mated to a human, so no typical mating pull since he wasn't able to tell her from the start." he goes on with all our frowns now deepened.
„I think she theoretically knows how everything goes, but practically? I don't think so. She was shielded for her own protection. So there was no one she ever told her gifts of, so from where should she know that we won't run? She might also didn't inform us in Italy since she was afraid that someone back there might hunt her down for it." he ends with a heavy sigh. I feel anger rising once again at the possibility of someone hurting my beloved mate! Our beloved mate! We were idiots for not realizing sooner that georg and Natalia weren't nice to her. For not to realize that she was hiding something huge from us in fright we might leave her for it. But from now on this will change. From now on we are going to make sure she knows that she can tell us absolutely everything!! From now on we are going to make sure there won't be any secrets between us any longer. I stop Demetri for a second to kiss her soft cheeks lovingly.
„From now on we promise to make sure we are talking about everything. No more secrets! We are here for you sweetheart, no matter what!" I promise her peacefully sleeping form.

Mated to 4 volturi guardsWhere stories live. Discover now