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Janes pov:
When we see the house again, I don know if I am relieved that now Carlisle can tell us if my sweetheart really is good, or disappointed that we have to share her again. But this is her family! A family that was always there for her and alone for that fact alone I know I need to try to get along with them all.
„I see she collapsed again." a sad looking emmet says suddenly from behind us. We all look at him a bit irritated but nod none the less.
„Don't worry, she is going to be fine as soon as she wakes up again." he says caressing her cheek with a sad frown.
„She won't be happy about it. She is afraid that everyone think it's weak to collapse like that. I am guessing she has told you about her gifts?" he asks and we start to walk the last few steps towards the house.
„Why would she think that she is weak? She is the strongest being I ever met." felix asks confused. Hearing emmet sigh deeply.
„Let's get her into bed and than we can talk if you want. I am sure you still want some more answers and I am willing to provide them." he says opening the door for us. I am surprised that he is willing to tell us. Their whole family is tightly bound together and they are completely willing to let us in. I feel bad for judging them so wrongly throughout all those years.
„Let's get on the balcony, I am sure you would like to still be able to see her and also be close by her side." he says opening a door to a small balcony attached to her room. A smile appears on my lips without my doing. My mate just loves sitting on a balcony and watch everything that is going on around her. Hearing alec chuckle next to me I watch him questioning. He nods his head towards the rose garden beneath the balcony. Yeah! That really has to be her favorite spot around here.
„Carlisle has already informed alec How Meredith on times gets overwhelmed with her emotions. She usually leaves the second she feels it coming." he starts after another deep sigh.
„I once asked her how it feels to her, how she feels it coming. It was shocking to here how she always feels like someone is squeezing her so tightly that she can't breath, can't talk anymore. She said it's like a panic slowly getting more and more until she feels herself grumbling from the inside out. There is nothing that helps her when she gets like that other than getting her away from others. In that moment she on times loses her grip on her gifts." he says and I quickly understand how unbelievable hard this is on her every time. Knowing her long enough I am pretty sure she also gets even more petrified in worry she might hurt or kill someone while in that state of panic.
„Afterwards she is often drained from the energy those episodes take from her. I don't know of any vampire that can exhaust themselves so much that their body has no other way than to fall asleep." he goes on with his explanation. Feeling really bad for my sweetheart, it's unbelievable how strong she really must be to live throughout such episodes. She may think that makes her weak, but I think that makes her unbelievable strong! I am sure I wouldn't be able to life through that over and over again, her fright of hurting someone on top of it!
„It's important to not leave her alone when something like this happens. This is the only time she is completely defenseless. You need to make sure no one is using that time against her!" he ends his explanation with a pleading look in his eyes. Begging us to make sure she won't ever be alone if something like this happens again.
„We wont ever let her alone! That is something we could never do to her! I promise!" Demetri answers him while another really important question spins in my head.
„I would have another question if that is alright with you." I say and get a nod right away back from emmet looking relieved we will keep his chosen sister safe now as well.
„How often does she have those episodes? If she really has to feel like that, can we stop them from happening?." I ask before breaking off. It hurts too much to even think of what my mate, my love and everything has to go through!
„It depends. On times she has one every other day and than only one every three to four months. The problem is that she doesn't really know what is triggering it. We have tried our best to find out what might be the cause. You can believe me we did! But the only thing we know is that it often happens when she is nervous she might lose someone or that she isn't good enough for someone or something. My guess today would be that she heard Rosalie's statement when you guys went back downstairs and got worried what you might think of her now. She definitely was afraid you would hate her for not telling you about her gifts sooner. I might be no empath like jasper, but I know her long enough to read her emotions just fine." he answers my question and I feel my heart breaking for my mate yet again.
„She thought we would leave her. That's also what she told us earlier. She said she thought we would hate her and be angry she hasn't told us sooner. She said she was terrified we would be afraid of her and run away." felix says so quietly the only reason we were able to hear him was because we are vampires!
„That sounds exactly like her. She always thinks so lowly of her. But I do have hope that with you guys around her she might start to see what we all see in her." emmet says with a sad smile but he sounded hopeful that we might be able to show her how amazing she is. And that gives me hope as well! Maybe that's why she was destined to have four mates, because she needs all the love and support she can get! And she deserves it! Never have I ever come across a more pure person ever! Not in my human live and certainly not in my vampire existence!

Mated to 4 volturi guardsWhere stories live. Discover now