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Meredith's pov:
When we walk back downstairs I can hear the rest talking quietly about what emmet and jasper have heard up there.
„But if they where threatening her why hasn't she used her gift on them?" Rosalie questions with a confused frown. They all however quickly shut up the second they hear us enter the living room.
„Are you guys alright?" Carlisle asks but keeps his eyes trained on me.
„Yeah, thank you for asking!" I answer with a tight smile. Maybe my mates haven't heard her question. Edward looks a bit uneasy between them and me, answering my question without saying anything.
„Auntie!!! Jacky is coming over!! You remember jacky?" she asks me excitedly. Nodding at her in answer, of course I remember Jacob! How couldn't I! The shape shifting Wolf that is imprinted on my little pumpkin. I do have to say that he always is here for her and adamant on doing everything the little girl would like. He also is a good friend of the Cullens and me. A furious growl was heard behind my mates and seconds later Jacob has shifted and is ready to attack them.
„Jacob, calm down! No one is here to make trouble, I am sure my brother has told you about them being my mates. So go calm down and then get dressed before touching my little pumpkin!" I tell him strictly. My hand right away pulled against my hip, making me strike my so called diva pose. My family only laughs at me while my mates look at me with turned on eyes. Well, they better get used to me being sassy around my family and especially around Jakob.
„Good to have you back you little monster!" Jakob says and pulls me into a hug much to the annoyance of my mates.
„Yeah, Whatever you say!" I answer with a giggle and get pulled out of his hands and into Alec's instead.
„Possessiv! I like it!" Jacob chuckles before scooping up the little angel making her giggle out loudly.
„Protective! Not possessive!" Felix growls lowly after kissing me passionately.
„Whatever you say big guy!" Jacob says with a chuckle. His chuckle quickly quieten down the second Renesmee lays her little hand on his cheek. I hear him whine before cuddling the little cutie closer.
„I didn't mean to growl at them. Promise I won't do it again nessy. I thought you were in danger after what had happened the last time they were here." he explains. Renesmee obviously wasn't happy with him!
„Of Course, you are right nessy!" he says before coming closer towards us.
„I am sorry for growling at you!" he says with apology. Yep, my little pumpkin is just the best. Smirking at him, holding onto myself to not push out my tongue at him.
„How about we go for a walk?" I ask my mates feeling the need to go out and be alone for a bit. I know my family understands, they know me long enough to know that from time to time I get overwhelmed from everything that's going on around me. Carlisle and the others only nod at me in understanding but also a bit worried what had triggered it this time. Honestly I have no idea! It just suddenly starts and than I feel like someone is squeezing me so tightly that I can't breath anymore. My world starts to spin and everything around me suddenly starts to grumble. That's why I take some time off for myself, knowing that my gift otherwise might hurt anyone around me.
„Alec, a Word before you guys head out." Carlisle says after watching me intently. I know that he is telling him to be careful with me right about now. I don't think he will reveal my gift, but enough to understand to be careful. Stepping outside with my other three mates that seem really irritated but don't say anything. When I reach the woods near their house, I stop and wait for alec to follow. He looks pretty confused but mostly he seems to be worried about me. Not afraid of me, that would of been my biggest concern.
„There is a small meadow not far from here." I say softly before starting to go there. I can hear and feel them following me. They don't talk, which seems pretty odd, but I guess they want me to start to explain what had just happened back at the house. When we reach the calming atmosphere around the meadow I slowly turn to my mates.
„I am guessing you have a few questions for me." I say and take a seat on one of the few stones around here. They quickly follow my lead and sat themselves around me, waiting for me to start instead of bombarding me with questions themselves.
„There was a really good reason why no one other than my family knows of my existence. Or knew of my existence." I start to say, playing with my fingers nervously.
„The Time your coven, my coven." I say getting frustrated with myself.
„The Time the volturis went to investigate little Renesmee." alec helps me with an encouraging smile. I nod at him in relief at least he was able to follow me till now.
„I wasn't on the clearing because Carlisle was afraid I might cause a war between you and them." I say, however not looking at any of them.
„I have some pretty unique gifts, so to speak." I go on slowly.
„I was hiding, like a coward. But I still wanted to make sure to stay close enough to help if it should of come to a fight." I explain feeling more and more uncomfortable.
„You don't have to tell us if you aren't ready princess. That's fine!" Demetri says softly. I can feel the need from them to come closer but they where waiting for me to allow it.
„I need to tell you, you have a right to know. Just please give me a second to get my thoughts strait. Ok?" i ask holding out my hand in hopes they will give me a second.

Mated to 4 volturi guardsWhere stories live. Discover now