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Meredith's pov:
The days have gone by way to fast and now we all are hugging my family good bye. I don't like to leave but on the other hand I also miss Marcus, aro and Caius.
„Don't be so sad Meredith. We are going to call everyday! Just because you fly back to Italy doesn't mean we are out of your reach." jasy says while hugging me extra tight. I know that it's just as hard for him as it is for me, but like the good guy that he is, he wants to cheer me up again.
„I know. But I am going to miss you all so much." I choke out. At least I am not in my human image, or I would be crying my eyes out!
„We know that limba Bean, but like jasper has already said, you won't get reed of us just because you go back to Italy. You will always be a Part of our family!" emmet says and kisses my forehead.
„why don't you guys come and visit us in the near future? I am sure our masters would like to really get to know you all." Jane asks with an honest smile on her lips. Looking shocked and confused between her and my family. They right away agreed that it sounds like an awesome idea! Alec goes on to explain that they would always be welcomed and to just give any of them a call so they can get rooms ready for them. I smile a little, happy that they all have become so close with each other during our stay here. So after another last round of good byes, we leave to not make the jet crew wait any longer for us. Me cuddled up in Demetris strong arms, since my mates don't want me to feel lonely by running towards the airport by myself.
„you know that you will see them again, right princess?" he asks me softly after taking a seat in the jet. The rest of my mates quickly scoot as close as possible to me while having their seatbelts on. Which they only are wearing because the stewards have scolded them and informed them that we wouldn't be able to take off without them properly secured into their seats. They also tried to make me sit in my own seat as well, but that's where my amazing mates have drawn the line and the stewards right away ran off in fear. serves them right though!
„I know. But I know that I am going to miss them so much. Already miss them even thought we just left. But I also miss Marcus, aro and Caius." I tell them with a small frown on my face. Demetri just pulls me even tighter into his chest. Jane and Alec were sitting in the seats next to his, so they were softly caressing my back and my arm. Felix is reaching over alec to at least hold one of my hands in his.
„We understand love! your family is really lovely and we have seen how tightly you all are bound together." alec softly says. His eyes sad that he couldn't do more to help me feel better.
„Hmm." I mumble slightly.
„Do you think they really will be able to come and visit? The three brothers will allow it. Right?" I ask them afraid of the answer but I need to know. Need the assurance that it will be possible!
„Of Course! Babe of course they will allow it! Carlisle always was their friend, and with you being our mate, your family also is our extended family!" felix reassures me. Taking a deep breath since I had stoped breathing afraid of their answer. Nodding slowly to myself.
„Ok. That sounds good! Like it a lot that you see them as family as well! Love how you all got along with them." i mumble out and nuzzle myself into Demetri some more.
„There wasn't even a chance that we wouldn't get along with them. They really are nice and after seeing you guys interact with each other." Jane says and softly shakes her head.
„Jane is right. We never really had a real family. Not as humans and not as vampires. Yes we found a coven but there never was any unconditional love towards my sister or I. But ever since you came into our lives we found a family, a real family. And after meeting your family, it just showed us how much we always wanted that. So there was absolutely no chance in my mind that we would ruin that for you." alec jumps in to help his sister finish with her explanation looking between me and his sister.
„And not only did we liked seeing you with them, but they even opened up their arms and hearts to allowed us to join there family." Jane says and I can see her eyes being teary. Quickly hugging her softly, not liking seeing either of them sad.
„The twins are right Princess, Felix and i also never really had a family. So it's extremely special that you not only gave us your love, but also gave us a family. That's really special for all of us." Demetri says with honesty shining in his deep red eyes.
„I am really sorry you all never had a real family. But it makes me even more happy that you now have one within mine." I tell them. Smiling softly at all four of them. Hearing the ping that tells us that we are allowed to move freely again. And not even a second later I am crushed into a tight hug from all four of them.
„We Love you Sweetheart!" Jane softly tells me the others quick to nod in agreement with her statement.
„That's Good, because I love you, all four of you!" I answer and kiss them softly one after the other. Purring at feeling them all so close to me. Sighing at the realization that I needed to ask them something important before we are back in Italy.
„I am afraid I need to destroy the moment. Need to ask you something rather important." I say after another sigh. They look slightly worried but nod to make me ask away.
„Should I tell the three brothers about my gifts or should I keep them a secret?" I ask them lowly, not wanting the stewards to overhear us. My mates look deep in thought for a bit.
„I am afraid aro will read our minds and find out that way." felix answers just as quietly. The others nod looking sad at the knowledge that I won't have a possibility on that.
„I could, you know shield that part of your memory. But I don't know. Somehow I want to tell them. I wan to be honest with them. You know them better, so would it be wise to tell them?" i answer, playing with my fingers nervously. Alec takes my hand in one of his.
„Whatever you want to do. I am sure they won't use it against you. So if you want to tell them, I think you should do it." alec tells me softly, encouraging me to follow my instincts. Kissing him again in thanks. He is right, i need to follow my instincts and they tell me to let them in on this secret.
„Could one of you call them? Tell them that we would like to talk with them when we come back? Alone if possible?" I ask in the round and see felix already grabbing his phone. Well, there is no backing out of it now!

Mated to 4 volturi guardsHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin