Chapter 5

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Once the dinner service was over, I took myself upstairs to my room.

I didn't want to be disturbed. I just wanted to sit in bed and erase the memories of the evening.

I know it wasn't entirely Reed's fault and he kind of helped me out, but without him I wouldn't have been here in the first place.

I just wanted to go home. I'm not cut out for the mafia.

But then again, where is home?

The only person waiting for me would be Danielle and she hasn't even tried to call me.

Having no family didn't affect me a lot but now I just felt so alone.

Being stuck in this huge house with only Ivy to occasionally talk to, just made me realise how lonely life could be.

At least before, I had a job to distract myself. Here, I have all the time in the world to let my thoughts consume me.

"Okay they're all gone." Reed said as he appeared in my bedroom doorway.

"Great." I sighed, looking up at him from my bed.

"Are you sure you're okay?" he questioned.

"Stop asking me that! You don't give a shit about me." I shouted, turning away from him.

"Look Julia, I know you hate me but you're going to have to get used to me eventually seeing as you're going to be here for a while." he said as he started walking towards me.

"Well seeing as you're so insistent on me staying here then I want to know more about you." I demanded, sitting up to face him.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, you're keeping me cooped up in this stupid house all day and night and I don't know a single thing about you. If you don't want me to hate you then you're going to have to open up a bit." I said as I crossed my arms over my chest.

He looked as though he wasn't sure how to answer me. He slowly walked over to the bed and sat beside me.

"Well, I became the capo when I was 19-"

"No Reed. I asked about you, not the stupid mafia." I sighed, getting impatient.

"I am the mafia. It's my life, there's nothing more to know." he said abruptly, almost seeming offended, before getting up to walk away.

"Oh for goodness sake, drop the act."

"Excuse me?" he said, turning around to face me. He looked annoyed but I'd pretty much stopped caring about what he might do to me.

He already had me practically locked up, away from the world.

He approached me once again and crouched down to face me. He held my chin in his hands and lifted it up to force me to stare at him, bringing me to my feet.

"Keep in mind who you're talking to." he spat.

"That's the problem. I have no fucking idea who I'm talking to." I snapped back at him. "You can't keep this act up for much longer Reed, I'll see the real you eventually."

"This is the real me." he growled. "Get used to it."

He then threw my head down harshly, pushing me back onto the bed and left the room, leaving me utterly frustrated.

This side of him slightly scared me but I was trying my best not to show it.

How can he expect me to like him when I don't even know him?


A couple of hours later, I turned to look at my alarm clock. 3am. Great.

I hadn't gotten a good nights sleep since I've been here. I decided to get up and get a snack seeing as I wasn't going to sleep anytime soon.

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