Chapter 42

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The next day, it was time for our dinner party and I was excited to host all of our friends.

I was stood in the kitchen washing the dishes, when Reed came into the room.

"So who's coming tonight?" he asked, looking in the fridge for something to eat.

"Erm, Blade, Ivy, Kayla, Tris, Cyrus, Zach and Ethan." I explained.

"Zach's coming?" he asked.

"Yeah, is that okay?"

"Yeah, of course, why wouldn't it be?" he sighed unconvincingly.

I smiled at the fact Reed still hadn't figured out that Zach and Ethan were together.

Maybe he still saw Zach as a threat? But I didn't think it was my place to explain.

I know that Ethan wants to tell Reed himself, so I didn't want to ruin it for him.

"I also invited Dawn and Matteo but I think they had other plans."

"Okay, well it should be fun." he said, walking over to kiss me on the cheek.

I think this party will be good for everyone.


By 7PM, all of our friends had arrived for dinner.

Ivy and Jocelyn had helped me cook and everyone had seated themselves in the large dining room.

"I'm excited about tonight." Ivy chirped. "It should be good fun."

"I hope so, I just thought everybody deserved to relax for the night." I said.

"I agree, and I brought a swimsuit like you asked." she laughed.

"Good, I thought we could go in the hot tub later, or maybe the pool." I smiled.

"Sounds good." she said, carrying the plates out of the room alongside me.

I placed the food in the centre of the long dining room table and looked around at all of my guests.

Reed was at the head of the table as always, sitting to his right was Blade and an empty seat for Ivy and to his left was an empty seat for me.

Tris and Kayla were next to me with Cyrus and Ethan and Zach were sat beside Ivy.

"Okay, I hope you're all hungry." I said, walking round to take my seat.

The boys soon passed around the food and began piling it up onto their plates.

It was crazy how much they could eat, it's like cooking a meal for 50 people.

"It looks great." Reed said, squeezing my hand beneath the table.

"Thank you." I replied.

Over the course of the meal, we all spoke and laughed a lot. Life was beginning to settle and feel...normal.

Ever since Evelyn had died, everything had settled down and I was happy.

"So, how did you find your first training session Jul?" Kayla asked from across the table.

"I enjoyed it, it was good fun." I smiled, trying to find the right words.

"We could use some more feminine influence among the fighters." Tris smirked, knowing she was the only female fighter that had any power within the gang.

I suppose she'd like the company if I joined them.

"Well it certainly has been a long journey to get to this point." I chuckled.

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