Chapter 38

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I stood in front of Evelyn with my arms crossed, glaring at her with pure hatred in my eyes.

Her lip was quivering and I could see tears welling up in her eyes already.

Tris was stood behind me and I could see a smirk forming on her face. Honestly, I couldn't blame her.

"Anything to say for yourself?" I asked Evelyn.

"I-I'm sorry Reed, p-please forgive me. L-let me go, w-we can move on from this!" she stammered.

"Move on from this? You're insane if you think I want anything to do with you." I spat.

"P-please." she begged as her voice cracked.

"You tried to kill the only woman I have ever loved out of jealousy. You will not be making it out of this alive." I explained. "The only reason I'm not killing you myself is because I can't stand the sight of you and I have bigger problems to deal with...but don't worry, Tris will handle you."

With that, I left the room to the sound of her ear shattering screams.

I was sure that Tris would deal with Evelyn appropriately, so I made my way down to Michael's cell next.

He'd also been tied up and had an angry look in his eye. I'd been waiting for this day for 10 years.

I walked into the room and began circling him in an intimidating manner. I wanted him to fear me, he was good at hiding it due to experience but I could tell he was afraid.

"I've imagined this day before." I said. "Waited for the moment that I could finally end your life."

"Your father was a lot more intimidating than you, boy. After seeing how weak you were yesterday, you're a laughing stock." he smirked.

I responded by throwing a harsh punch to his face, making his nose begin to bleed heavily.

"You dare to call yourself the mafia king when you sat there crying over a stupid girl? You're pathetic." he spat.

"At least I can kill my hostages." I replied. "Rather than watching somebody else try and fail."

"That's your brother you're talking about."

"Give me a break." I scoffed. "You think I claim him after what he's done?"

"Well I know you won't have the guts to kill him." he said.

"And what makes you think that?" I said, walking over to the table to begin sharpening my knife.

"He's your own flesh and blood. You may kill me...but you won't have the balls to kill him."

"Well you're right about one thing...I am going to kill you." I snarled.


After a couple of hours of torturing Michael I got bored.

I decided it was time to kill him, in the most painful way I could think of.

Once that was done, I felt utter relief. I'd finally got justice and avenged my parent's death.

But now was the death which was troubling me.

I have to kill Kyle, there's no other options...but what would my family think?

Would Dawn ever forgive me? The kids? What about my parents, if they were still here, would they understand? Would they resent me?

I didn't care anymore if my brother died, I only cared about my families thoughts on the matter.

Before entering Kyle's cell, I walked to my office in the base.

It was quite similar to my home study, but a lot more bland and boring.

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