Chapter 40

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"Okay, just because you're my girlfriend doesn't mean I can give you special treatment. You know that, right?" Reed said as we drove to the base.

It was the first session of recruit training. I was slightly nervous, but the excitement overtook that.

"Of course I know that. I wouldn't want special treatment from you anyway."

"That's not what you said last night." he winked.

"You're so gross." I exclaimed, punching him softly in the arm as he drove, making him laugh.

We eventually arrived at the base and sat in the car in front of the building.

All of the other recruits would already be there if they knew what was good for them.

"Can you give me a head start?" I asked.

"What do you mean?"

"Let me walk in before you so they don't know I'm your girlfriend. I don't want them treating me differently because of you." I explained.

"Does it really matter?" he asked.


"Fine, you have five minutes."

"Thank you!" I said happily, opening the car door to get out.

"Jules...I think you're forgetting something." he said.

"Sorry." I smirked, leaning over to kiss him.

I then ran out towards the base.

I made my way through the building towards the large hall, which was the first place Reed had ever brought me.

I stood outside the door and took out my phone as it vibrated.

Reed had already sent me a message.

'I love you'.

'I love you too.' I typed quickly before walking through the doors.

When I entered the room, there must have been just less than a hundred people in there. It was quite daunting.

Most of the recruits looked to be around my age, in their mid-20's, but a lot of them were also just kids, maybe 17 or 18.

I observed the people in front of me and there must have only been about 10 other women compared to what looked to be, 80+ men.

That only made me more determined to show them up.

Besides, I already had the advantage of experience. Most of my best friends were Capo Regimes and my boyfriend was the boss. I'd also had some kind of practice with Kayla in the bar.

I was adamant that I could do this.

I'd purposely worn long sleeves to cover up my tattoo. I didn't want the others to see that I was already 'technically' a part of the gang.

I walked in and stood beside two girls who looked around my age.

One had long, blonde hair and piercing blue eyes, like someone from a magazine. The other had a short, black pixie cut with green eyes like mine and freckles across her nose.

"Hey." I greeted them nervously.

"Oh hi!" the girl with the pixie cut said, waving at me to join them.

"I'm Julia." I said, shaking both of their hands.

"I'm Ally and this is Helen." the blonde girl smiled at me.

"Nice to meet you." I said.

"So Julia, are you nervous for training?" Ally asked.

"Slightly, but I don't think it'll be too bad." I shrugged.

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