Chapter 41

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"Okay, this is your final session of the day." Reed shouted across the room. "I'll be showing you how to fight and then you'll be practising, okay?"

Everybody nodded.

"Good. Now, the better you do, the faster we can all go home, so let's get started."

He started out by showing us all a few basic moves and telling us about fighting technique.

I was buried at the back of the group behind the over-eager recruits who were excited to start fighting each other.

"So those were the few moves we'll be practising for today, but before you get started, I need a volunteer."

Of course most of the group's hands flew up immediately, but I stood still with my arms crossed, waiting to see the demonstration.

Reed's eyes scanned the room as he looked for his volunteer, but a mischievous smile crept onto his face as our eyes locked.

I began shaking my head at him, knowing exactly where this was going.

"Julia, how about you come on up here?" he smirked.

Everybody quickly turned to face me as I reluctantly walked up to the large fighting ring in which Reed was stood.

I narrowed my eyes at him, causing him to bite his lip in amusement.

"Now, I'm going to be demonstrating some of these fighting techniques on Julia." he announced. "Ready?"

Before I could reply, Reed had flipped me over his shoulder and slammed me down on the floor, pinning my hands above my head.

I looked up at him in shock as he smirked down at me.

"Really?" I mumbled quietly enough that no-one else would hear me.

"When you're pinning someone down, you have to be sure to keep a firm hold around their wrists and keep their legs down with yours." he announced, not taking his eyes off me.

"Shame you forgot that vital step." I winked.

I swung my legs up between us and pushed Reed back with my feet harshly, giving me enough time to crawl out from under him and stand back up.

"And that's exactly why you remember to pin their legs down." he said, standing back up quickly and brushing himself down as I stood beside him smugly. "Now, everybody get into partners and practice the moves I've just shown you."

I began to walk back towards the group, who were now filing out, but was stopped by Reed grabbing my arm and pulling me back towards him.

"You are going to be my practice partner." he smirked.

"Reed..." I said sternly.

"What? There's an odd number, so either that or you practice alone." he shrugged.

"Fine." I sighed. "Teach me how to kick your ass."

"Cute that you think you'll ever be able to do that sweetheart." he said, leaning closer towards me.

I tried to take him by surprise and hit him from the side but he blocked my arm immediately. I tried twice more with my right arm and then my left, but he held on and twisted me around to face the wall.

I could feel his warm breath on my ear as he leaned in to whisper to me.

"You're hot when you're angry." he whispered, keeping a firm hold on my arm behind my back.

"I'm just getting started." I breathed.

"Well you're going to have to try harder than that."

He released my arm and I turned around to face him quickly.

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