A Nightmare That Was Truly Kind

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Kakashi quietly stared at Sakura as she held onto a few pairs of clothing in her tiny arms, her cheeks were puffed out, she peered up to the masked man with somewhat of a shy smile. 

"Is that it?" Kakashi asked. 

He wasn't sure if it was just a mere coincidence or if she was actually choosing the cheapest priced clothing in the shop. She chose colors that didn't stand out much like navy blue and sage green, nothing special in particular.

Sakura nodded firmly and without wait, he took the clothes from her and headed the opposite direction from her. 

Weird stares were shared amongst the other shoppers, their stares practically piercing rays of fire through whatever they made contact with. It was as if it were their first time ever seeing the White Fang's son shopping in a kids store with a kid.

Although quite frankly, it couldn't get more truthful than that. It really was something odd to see and Kakashi internally admitted that to himself.

Those stares, he was familiar with them. He had to be. When he walked around the town with his own solider of a father, they received the same kind. 

"That must be her." An unknown woman stood beside an elderly one, her revolted expression catching Sakura's attention and the latter tying her brows from confusion. "Hmph, I don't know what Lord Hokage was thinking but bringing in a brat like her just serves us no good."

The older lady's anger culminated into the air, allowing it to become far more stiff than what was appreciated. "She must be lurking for information from another village, perhaps." she sighed. "What a pity that such a cute girl has turned into nothing more than a pawn."

"Let's go, I have a bad feeling about the one who's with her."

Kakashi irritatingly snapped his sole eye to the two women who had bigger mouths than what was good for them, surveying their retreat quickly after.

He glanced down to Sakura to see that she stood with a blank expression, as if she was used to this, but she was still confused as to why she received it. Heck, why did she? Her confusion brought Kakashi to place a hand onto her sagging shoulders, earning himself none other than a flicker of green his way. 

"Let's go, Sakura." she awkwardly smiled, giving him the hint that she didn't know how to react. All he could do was softened his gaze, "C'mon."

He motioned for her to grab onto the ending of his vest and so when she did, the two of them headed on their way to the register to quickly take their leave. Fortunately for him, it wasn't pricey in the slightest, but it was that notion that made him become cognizant that she'd actually done that on purpose. 

They left the shop quickly after and walked their way through the relatively quiet yet lively streets of their village. 

"I'll wash your clothes when we get back, then you can try them on."

Sakura offered a single nod and flickered her eyes to different details of the street. 

Kakashi could see that the ladies' words played an affect onto her. It was odd, considering that their treatment towards her wasn't remotely close to the way the Nine Tails Jinchuriki received, but she didn't pose as nearly as much as a threat as he did─ did she? 

No, she couldn't. There was no way. 

It was stupid to even think for a second that a small girl like her, who possesses a heart softer than a feather, could ever infiltrate a village to cause harm or havoc. The most sickening part was that it wasn't her choice if she wanted to be here or not, nor was it her choice to be given such a life where she really did lack a place to belong to. 

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