His Slight Change

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"She's quite the girl." Tenzou motioned. 

Kakashi remained silent as they approached the Hokage's tower. This would be Kakashi's first mission in a whole month since he had taken Sakura in. These missions brought back memories he wanted to forget, but he knew that this was his duty as a Shinobi.

He hated to admit it, but the one month he'd spent away from being a Shinobi, it wasn't as terrible as he thought it would be. 

However, there was always a side to him that would perpetually prompt him to return back to what he was used to be; a proficient killer with eyes drowned by blood. 

"Is she always that respectful?" Tenzou asked, curiosity most definitely branding itself onto his skin. 

"More respectful than half of our villagers." Kakashi acquiesced, his mouth feeling somewhat distasteful because of his thoughts. 

They walked in silence after that conversation. Tenzou couldn't point out what it was, but there was something terribly different about his superior. He couldn't find the right word to describe him, but there was certainly something different. 

"She must be a special child, I guess." Tenzou mumbled. 


Sakura sneezed and caught the attention of the 2 adults that were supervising her.


"I'm okay."

Asuma stood up from his seat and headed to the kitchen's sink, where he washed his and Kurenai's plates. "We would've brought Guy, but he was on a mission." he said. 

"Is' okay." Sakura said. 

After replying to Asuma, a question jolted her mind and caused her to sit up straight. "Kurenai-san?" she asked with a curious ambiance surrounding her now. 

"Yes, dear?"

"Are missions really important?"

Kurenai took a quick glance towards Asuma who briefly spared her a glance first. She forced a smile onto her lips and cocked her head back to the young girl. 

"Missions serve one purpose, and it's to maintain peace." she informed. "Shinobi serve for peace and so when we go on missions, we do anything to make it a success."

Sakura puffed her cheeks out and sat herself across from Kurenai. "Wha' if you fail?"

Kurenai cleared her throat. "There's.... punishment... I gues─"

"Kurenai." Asuma cut in, finishing the dishes and approaching them with a stern gaze. "Kurenai doesn't know how to explain it well. But basically, if you fail a mission, you come back to the village and do another one so that you can redeem yourself. Failure isn't an option, but if it happens, it's... Okay" his voice trailed off towards the ending of his sentence, although Sakura paid no mind to it. 

Sakura nodded and looked down. "If Kakashi-san fails, is' gonna be okay, righ'?" 

"Of course Sakura-chan, he'll be okay." Kurenai assured. 

The small pink haired girl looked up and smiled widely. Asuma stretched his arms over his head and headed towards the couch without saying anything else about the matter.

Kurenai pat the girl's head and smiled. "Anyways, what do you usually do during the day time?"

Sakura narrowed her brows in the slightest and thought for a moment before shrugging her shoulders. "Nothing, really." Kurenai spared her an odd glance and she continued. "Kakashi-san us'ally reads an' stuff, but I us'ally nap or just sit with Kakashi-san."

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