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Kakashi and Anko sat across from each other in their hotel room, discussing the future of their mission. It had officially marked 4 weeks since they'd left Konohagakure, now residing themselves in the outskirts of Kusagakure, towards the boarder that separated Kusagakure and Otogakure. 

"This place is awfully close to Otogakure, but that damn place was only recently discovered." 

"The Kage of the village has yet to be announced. " Kakashi added.

Tapping her pen against her chin, she continued. "That's fucking sketchy."

"You don't say─"

"Listen, I've been dealing with your fucking sass and sarcasm a lot lately so you better just shut up." She snapped back, earning a shrug from her partner before sighing and continuing their searches within their leads. 

He cocked a brow, curiously. "Let's scout the area, I doubt the two spotted Akatsuki members would have come here without a purpose." 

Anko's lips curved into a sly smirk once she lifted her eyes from the papers. She leaned forward and propped her chin up in her palm. "For the 2 past weeks, you've been trying a lot harder─ what's up with that, Hatake?"

"Do I need a reason to complete a given mission?" He drawled. 

Her eyes narrowed, "Right....." Her gaze surveyed the masked man that sat before her─ observing the effort he bestowed to the mission.

Since their clash of feelings at the gate two weeks ago, he finally accepted the mission and took matters into his own hands; oh how grateful she was for this change. 

"In an hour, we should head out." Kakashi proposed, glancing up momentarily as the knock echoed into the room. "Guy's turtle."

A small, red and beige turtle with a Hitai-ate wrapped around its neck stood by the crook of their window with a scroll attached to his back. The masked man gracefully took the paper into hand and with a small poof, the summoning disappeared. A single, uninterested eye scrutinized the content of the scroll ─ though, a frown puckered his face. 

"What is it?" she entreated. When handed the scroll, her eyes bugged out. 

"OI Kakashi! I'm sure you're with our beloved Anko, so tell the lady of lotus I say hi!

Anko almost gagged.

Anyways! I have blooming news for you, my dear rival. I was with our dear friends Asuma and Kurenai, and they told me splendid news! Our dear Kurenai, our lovely lotus, the dreamy woman of our lovely lives that Asuma had implanted his seeds of youth into, is having a child! We don't know the gender of the baby yet, but Kurenai and Asuma are having a baby! KAKASHI, THIS IS GREAT NEWS! YOU AND I WILL BE UNCLES OF YOUTH! Now, we have another competition coming our way of who can be the better uncle to the child. I am ready! That's not all, Shizune wanted to have her little piece of her letter. So here she is; 

Anko's gaze flickered back up to Kakashi, "You didn't finish reading the scroll, did you?"

He shook his head and was given the scroll back to him.

Kakashi, it's me - Shizune. I just wanted to see if you're okay. I hope you've been fairing well on your mission and the rest of us back here in Konoha are rooting for the two of you. I hope you come back soon and safely with Sakura! Please take care, I'll be waiting. 


Oi Kakashi come back because I miss our rivalry! Although, I hope the two of you do end up finding Sakura. Take care, my friend of youth.
-Guy, the hotheaded beast of the Leaf☺☺☺☺☻☻☻☻☻☻☺☻☺☻☺☻☺☻☺

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