Where Are We Going?

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A/N: Thank you all so much for the support! I've noticed that the reader count has significantly gone up this week, and I wanted to thank you all for it! On an unrelated note, I figured that some of my readers may be observing Ramadan at the moment─ and so, Ramadan Mubarak!


The second she finally saw his face, she knew that he was just as human as her. 

His words stuck to her head since he had come to her─ and quite frankly, she felt conflicted in her head. She wanted to hate him for what he said about Kakashi when he first brought her into her cell, but after seeing the way he truly looked and witness a scene she never thought she would, her mind changed. He was a cruel man, perhaps the kind of person who chased after revenge and she could figure out that much. 

"Why, Rin?"

She became cognizant at that moment that Obito didn't come to talk to her, he came to talk to this so called 'Rin'. The name was recognizable due to the times Sakura had witnessed Kakashi suffer in his sleep─ which happened to be practically every night. Obito happened to also be a name that Kakashi called out to, so why wasn't Obito with Kakashi and why was Kakashi always having nightmares about him?

She didn't know.

She saw the dark bags under his eyes and they were much more darker than the ones Kakashi had. His words had no light to them, they were coated in a bitter syrup and the sorrow that was engraved into his ruby orbs were visible enough to lighten not a crimson red, but a dreadful one. Once his Sharingan disappeared, his onyx orbs were pools of darkness─ oceans of deep sadness that almost seemed too deep to swim out of; just like Sasuke's.

Someone so broken was the person who held her captive, and she didn't know how she was supposed to feel about that. 

"Ending your misery now might just be better for both you, and me. I was never your enemy, Sakura."

He didn't seem like he was the same cruel person from before, and that left an indescribable feeling to grow in the pit of her small stomach. She didn't know how to decipher the feeling, but there definitely was a feeling that didn't feel too nice. Her eyes iced over as more of Obito's words ran through her head. 

"Did you know that this world only gets darker the more you live in it?"

She didn't want to admit this to anyone, but she already knew that. 

She knew that because she had to realize it the hard way. 

 "He's the cause of your despair, so why did you put so much faith in him even in the end?"

Kakashi wasn't the cause of her despair, in fact, he was her savior, her knight in shining armor. He was the reason why she was able to push her feelings of sorrow aside and allow herself to smile again. Kakashi was the closest person to her and of all people, he would be the one that she'd want to die beside. He would be the one she would want to die for. 

Her lips tugged upwards at the thought─ maybe, there might just be a chance that she could do just that; die for Kakashi's sake. Although once she remembered who her captive was, the corners of her lips tugged downwards and her ambitions flew away. 

"He's a fool who can't protect himself. You put faith in him and he failed you, yet even in the end, even I could see that you still trusted him."

In the end. 

Her eyes began to sting as she trailed her fingers across the small gash that barely healed itself from the cut Obito engraved onto her neck.

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