Cloud 9

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"Are you fucking crazy?!"

"Well, you always call me a crazy fuck." Itachi returned. 

Hidan let out a loud laugh before Itachi covered his mouth. Once he knew that the loud Jashinist was quiet, he removed his hand and the two of them silently moved along with the wind and into the graveyard.

"No, but really." Hidan peered down to his leg and had almost broke a branch with his step, but he moved it the other way to avoid making any unwanted noises. "Is this okay? To come to Konoha especially when you're a pretty recognizable shitter around here?"

Itachi sighed, taking note that this would have most likely marked the hundredth time Hidan had swore this morning. It was only 6am and the sky glimmered a very dark and cloudy grey upon them. It'd been snowing the day before, but only enough to where everything was just lightly coated with snow─ a winter wonderland indeed it was. He wanted to make sure that his parents and the rest of the Uchiha were resting asleep under their respected graves, and so, he came back to Konoha for that sole purpose. 

Due to the fact that their leader didn't care much about their personal doings, they were able to easily slip out the hideout without trouble.

Magenta eyes flickered from one side to another. "Who're we looking for?"

"Found them."

The raven came across one side of the graveyard and took notice that the soil was still newly dug out and put back. With the Uchiha crest engraved into all those stones, it'd been easy to spot them. 

With each name he skimmed through, he could remember their faces and smiles. It pained him knowing that these graves didn't have any family members to have visits paid to. The only person was Sasuke, although Itachi highly doubted the fact that he would bring a burden onto himself as much as to come and visit his deceased family members. After skimming a bit more, he finally found the three graves he was looking for. 

He silently made his way to the graves and Hidan followed closely. The latter stared at the former, sympathy written all over his chiseled face. Even if his religion promoted ruthless killing, he was still able to sympathize with others─ but he knew that a young kid like Itachi would be crushed even if he didn't show it.

However, they trusted each other enough to do things like this and have faith that they wouldn't out each other for their personal matters. 

Itachi stood before the graves, wanting to kneel down before them until the sharp stare from the near distance nipped his attention.

"You can come out, Sasori."

"What?" Hidan cocked a brow. 

The duo turned back to see the infamous Sasori of the Red Sand standing on a tree with one hand gripped onto the trunk. He jumped off carelessly and dug his hands into his pockets─ it almost seemed like he wanted to get caught. 

"What the hell are you doing here tomato boy?" Hidan teased.

"I would strangle you for talking to me like that." Sasori rolled his eyes and made his way to them. "But right now we're at a graveyard so have some respect, brat."

Silence filled the ambiance when The Uchiha and the puppeteer locked eyes. Sasori was one of the oldest members amongst the Akatsuki, aging 24. He was 14 years older than Itachi and was 11 years older than Hidan. He was quiet, composed and always kept to himself. He would sometimes even sit inside of his puppet he called Hiruko. Although right now, he was in his true form.

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