The Pink Prisoner

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"Just shut up for, like, 5 minutes. Please!"

"You wish, jerk-off."

The silver haired boy glared towards his partner with a seething gaze that mentally tore Deidara into shreds. The latter simply laughed as he held his stomach. 

"Listen, I'm hungry." Deidara admitted. "Let's get something to eat."

"We just have one more errand to run you fucking idiot." Hidan tutted. 

The blonde boy scoffed, retrieving a scroll from his pocket and glimpsing over it momentarily before proffering it to his partner. The older skimmed through its content, listening to the other as he spoke. 

"All the stuff we need are in this scroll. We basically got all of the important ones─ we just need to buy food pills. There's a nearby food pill shop around here so let's just get it after we eat hmph!" 

Hidan crossed his arms, cocking a brow to the younger.

A clever one he was, Hidan thought. 

"Let's go" He said, grabbing onto the younger's blonde locks and dragging him north. 

Deidara winced. "Ow!! Let go you fucking idiot!"

Now, it was Hidan's turn to laugh in Deidara's face. 

This part of Kusagakure was known for being the shop central for almost anything a Shinobi desired. From shops of weaponry, to missionary bento, to medicinal herb garths─ they had everything here which is why himself and Deidara were assigned to gather missionary essentials for the Akatsuki; in essence, the easiest job. 

Konan had been one in charge of assigning groups and missions, hence the hatred that culminated in Hidan's chest for her. Of all people, why Deidara? Why did his partner have to be him? 

"C'mon blondie, pick up your fucking pace."

"Shut up."

Reaching the Dango shop, the cheapest one in town, Hidan untangled his fingers from the boy's hair. Unknowing of the younger's plan, he prepared to make his hand-mouths bite Hidan in an area that certainly wasn't pleasant to be bitten at, although, he halted. 

A questioning frown took to his face, tilting his head to the side. "How did you know I liked dango? What, have you been creeping on me, hmph?"

Hidan scoffed as he made his way inside as Deidara followed up close behind, chuckling. To avoid attracting attention to themselves, Hidan situated themselves into farthest corner from the main door, surely to keep a low profile at all costs.

Shinobi sandals, a black tank top, and a pair of black cargo pants─ Hidan was sure that no one would be able to recognize him. His magenta eyes stuck out from his clothes,  as they darted from corner to corner. 

Deidara took notice of his precautious demeanor, "We should've performed the Transformation Jutsu." he remarked. 

Magenta eyes rolled to the side. "Forget it, the shop owner already knows how we look like and if we change now, they'll know something is up."

"For once, you're right."

Hidan kicked his leg, causing Deidara to hiss in pain and glare back. A female with long brown hair approached them with a smile and a white apron that complimented her womanly features better than it typically would. Casting a glance her way for a moment, he peered down to his legs in respect. 

"Is there anything I can get you kind kids today?" She entreated, kindly.

Hidan's smirk immediately decreased to the term she used to refer to them. His perverted thoughts showered away and drained themselves as he fixed his posture and glanced over his partner's way to see that he was trying his best to not laugh aloud. 

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