Out of Reach

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Inoichi sat at his desk, feeling the most useless he'd ever felt in his entire life. Kakashi's diagnostic results were laid out in front of himself, on top of his desk and untouched for the longest time. His index finger tapped on his desk as he stared at it and remembered Kakashi's response to taking the treatment. His case was really bad, far worse than what said patient understood and it killed him knowing that there was nothing that he could do unless Kakashi had the will to take something. All he wanted, was to help Kakashi and Sakura. 

it's was a large task considering that they're both broken for many reasons he cannot begin to understand even with his powerful amount of empathy─ but even so, he still wanted to do something. 

They didn't deserve all the suffering that they went through.

Not one bit of it. 

Inoichi sighed and took a sip from his tea. He just wished he could force Kakashi into taking the pills at the very least, but that wasn't allowed. 

While in the midst of his thoughts, a knock came from his door.

"Come in."

The door opened, and Inoichi jumped up from his seat and bowed his head down into a 90 degree angle. 

"Welcome back, Tsunade-hime." he welcomed.

"Thank you." the medic made her way in with her apprentice. 

The male sat back down and motioned for the medics to take seats in front of him. Once they did, the large chested lady sighed and stared up at the ceiling

Shizune began. "Inoichi-san, how did the diagnostic go?"

Inoichi was about to say that he wasn't allowed to relay that information, but then remembered what Kakashi had told him.

"So she's the one who brought this topic up." Kakashi thoughtfully said.

"That's right."

The masked man sighed and dug his hands deeper into his pockets.

"Do me a favor, and let her know that I'm taking the diagnostic. If she asks for more information, you can tell her."

Inoichi nodded and let a faint smile creep onto his lips. "I see you're aware of Shizune-san's feelings."

Kakashi averted his gaze down to his feet. "She brought this up, the least she should know are the results."

"She really cares about you, Kakashi."

He sighed. "She cares about me because we're both survivors of war..... She understands."

The blonde internally sighed realizing that Kakashi didn't fully understand Shizune's intentions. She didn't just bring this up because they were comrades, she brought this up because she is just simply in love with Kakashi. She cares for him so much she would do anything to make sure that he's happy. He wanted to tell Kakashi about Shizune's feelings, but he knew it wasn't his place to.

"Yes, because the two of you are comrades." his curved lips flattened.

"You can send her a note telling her that I'm taking the diagnostic." 

"Will do."

Inoichi sighed

"Well he took the diagnostic and after the analysis, we diagnosed him with Chronic PTSD."

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