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Inoichi sat in his quiet office as he drank some tea. He awaited for Kakashi's arrival and was hoping that he would've asked Tenzou to take care of the two kids that he was taking care of for the time being. This meeting had to be with just the two of them, far from the kids or anyone else.

All the civilians and Shinobi of Konohagakure knew of the Uchiha massacre now, and everyone thought of Itachi as a traitor and an image of revolt. Inoichi was shocked, to say the least. Amongst all of the Shinobi in the T&I division, Itachi was known for his high skill level and for being one of Sandaime-Hokage's best Anbu─ someone like that wouldn't flat out sever their clan. Although, he didn't question it either because in the end of it, it wasn't his place to.

Some Shinobi just turn out like scum in the end, there was no question about it. Itachi must've been one of them.

Still waiting for Kakashi, his door was shot wide open without a single knock. Inoichi averted his attention upwards to see a purple haired woman staring at him with a seething regard.

"You fucking Yamanaka and your secretive asses!" She slammed the door shut behind herself and stormed towards the long blonde haired man, throwing her hands onto his desk with a big bang. "Why didn't you tell me that you ordered Kakashi to take a mental diagnostic?!"

"It isn't my business to relay that to anyone." Inoichi prompted.

"Oh yeah you fucker? Well I hope you remember that the mission that regards Sakura has all of us in it which means we all need to know what both Hatake and the little pink squirt are up to!" 

"Anko, stop yelling." he cut in exasperatingly.

"For Kami's sake can you shut up!"

"With what I'm saying?"

She shook her head. "No, I mean with your moans in the night of course I mean with what you're saying, you fucker!" she sighed.

Inoichi leaned back in his chair and took a sip of his tea.

"Look Anko, this isn't something that you or anyone get to decide. There were only two people that I told in regards of the diagnostic." he informed. "Those being the Hokage, and another person that I had the permission of Kakashi to tell."

"Who was it?"

"I'm not allowed to tell you that." Inoichi smiled.

Anko scoffed yet again and the door received a knock. She groaned in annoyance and walked towards it without getting Inoichi's consent to open it. Curling her fingers around the knob, she opened the door to a crossed arm Ibiki.

"You need to keep it down Anko, I can hear you clearly in my office." he barked.

"You're office is beside Inoichi's, of course you would." she said in an in-matter-in-fact tone which only pissed the newcomer off even more.

with the utmost hardened gaze, he said in the most monotonous voice: "My walls are soundproofed."

Anko couldn't help but chuckle at his statement. She was quite proud that her voice was loud enough to still seep into Ibiki's soundproof walls─ yet another accomplishment to be added to her list of ways of annoying Ibiki to death.

"And whatever you said, you're wrong Anko. His diagnosis has nothing to do with us." 

"Close the door, please." Inoichi said.

"Wait, don't close it yet." 

The trio's attention shifted towards the door to see the Sage of Mount Myoboku along side the Sandaime-Hokage. They bowed their heads to the latter and Ibiki closed the door once they were inside.

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