Weeping with a Smile

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She stared down to the floor with dreadful and despairful eyes that never dared to separate themselves from the floor. She hugged her knees as she surrounded herself with her thoughts and sorrows. Every now and then, her right hand would twitch and subconsciously grab onto her dirty pink locks. It'd been a month and a half since she's been held captive by the very man who caused her pain even before she came to Konoha─ although, she didn't know that it had been that long. She lost track of time, there were no windows for her to look outside from, inevitably being the reason as to why she is no longer aware when it is either the daytime or the night.

She felt pathetic. 

She felt weak and as time passed, her light heart became darker. It'd became heavier. Her lungs felt tighter. Every second that passed suffocated her.

She could feel her ambitions flying away with the slow time, making it harder for her to regain everything she had emotionally and mentally lost. The man who captured her was the man who she'd seen in her vision and during the Uchiha massacre. When she was trapped in his dimension for approximately 24 hours, she realized that she had already been there before. Her memories started flooding back to her, but not too quickly. When she reached the cell, she had a lot of time to think of everything that's happened to her since she met Tsunade until now. She realized that the masked man who gave her hell even before she reached Konoha was the same man who was giving her hell now.

They barely ever gave her food, she was dirty and her eyes lost all of its light that'd once shined bright to the world. 

She took this time to think of Konoha and most of all, Kakashi. She hated the fact that she was taken away without sparing a goodbye to the man. For awhile, she wanted to believe that there was a chance that she could free herself or that a miracle could grace her with the opportunity of escaping─ in spite of that, she lost all and drowned in her despair. She sat here as the days passed with nothing else but to let her mental body drown into her mental ocean of despairs. It was sickening. 

Except, there was a time when a spark of light flashed its way into her emerald eyes. Tobi had come to her and spoke words that had brought dread to trickle up her spine and soon spread across her bones. Yet as he spoke, he was interrupted. She was trembling too much to hear the newcomer at first, but that was until she heard his voice loud and clear from his yelling. Her eyes widened and she slowly dragged herself to the bars to see if her suspicions were true. Her limbs were weakening by the second although once she was finally in view, she could only see up to their knees. She heard him speak again and her brows tied together from wanting to cry. She missed him so much─ from his love for clay, his love for his hair, his speech impediment, everything. Before she could spill any words from her mouth, she lost her chance once she felt herself lose consciousness. 

It was that day she knew that some hope had returned to her, but also the day she knew that she lost the very chance of hope that faintly glimpsed her way. 

"The l-light... Raising above the t-tower." She sang to herself, quietly. Her index finger tapped a small and gentle melody against her arms that hugged her knees. "Thoughts boil a-an' run high..... Dragon p-path ta' be protec─!"

She coughed copiously, feeling tears trickling in the corners of her eyes as she tried her best to whisper to herself. 

"P-pierce the shining.... Blade.... L-look at the sky........ The light f-flowing in spirals.... ta' the garden." Her vision blurred with every verse, tying her brows to the pain she felt. "Where the d-dragon's claws end.... Sh-shadow─."

She ducked her head once she choked over the last few words that spilled from her lips. She couldn't finish the song that she desperately tried uttering with the strength that barely flowed through her veins.

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