Fuelled by Trauma

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The tall, white haired man crossed his arms as he stared at his friend's apprentice. 

"So Naruto and Sasuke know, what a shame. I never thought they would've reacted the way they did," Jiraiya mused. "Especially Sasuke."

"I know and that's why I took the flyers down immediately after. What Naruto said was all too true and I didn't want to make any other person suffer." Shizune added.

"You had the right intentions, it's okay. The intention matters more than the outcome, keep that in mind, dear." He released his crossed arms and glanced over Tsunade's direction. "You haven't said anything."

Perhaps, had she listened, she would have said something. Lately, Tsunade found herself in situations where she couldn't focus on anything─ the thought of a dead Sakura haunted her. 

"What was that?" Hazel eyes flickered towards her apprentice and friend, only to see them staring her way patiently. "Oh, right. Those boys had no other choice but to react that way, they have yet to configure how to react to news like that. By the way, Shizune take this as a humbling lesson, two 5 year olds put you into your place."

Shizune chuckled in mortification, Jiraiya took it as his cue to change the subject before he bared witness of Tsuna's lecture. 

"I'd stay, but I have some business to attend to." he said, placing a hand over Tsunade's shoulder as he flashed her a soft smile. Hazel and onyx met, "Staying gloomy won't do you any good. Tonight, let's get some drinks."

Silence bestowed his comment, he let go of her shoulders and turned his back to her ─ walking towards the door and curling his fingers around the knob. 

"Oh," He chuckled. "And you two can share the sweets."

With the door closing shut, crystalizing the heavy air into place, Shizune glanced over to the master. "Milady, he's right." she opted.

"She wouldn't be gone, had I fostered her better."

"But she's gone. All we can do now is do our best to find her." Pushing herself up from her seat, she seized the tea kettle and poured it into her master's ceramic cup. "And if we do, that'll hopefully pay up for letting her go away in the first place."

"Nothing can make up for what we did." Tsunade prompted, shamefully.


Jiraiya was a very careful man, when he needed to be one. He didn't want to make others worry, feel sad or feel any type of bitter feelings. The people close to him were pieces of gold to him, and so he would do his best to find out the kinds of personalities they have so that he ought to handle them in the best means possible─ that went for Sasuke and Naruto as well. He would consider himself to be pretty close to the two kids, making him practically like a second hand father for both of them. They were orphans trying their bests to survive with all the trauma and pain that fate had forcefully bestowed. 

The strongest of Shinobi were the ones who were fuelled by trauma─ unfortunately, that was the formula behind the strength of their world. 

He heaved a sigh, it explained why Kakashi became as strong as he did. 

He reached the Uchiha compound─ it was quiet, covered in a very light coat of snow that ought to soon melt away. Everything was left the way it was from before the massacre. He didn't like the fact that Sasuke was stuck on staying in the compound, but he knew he had no place to say anything about it. 

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