Apology Accepted

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Aaron's pov

Ella hasn't spoken to me yet since she found out that Ethan was my cousin. It's been two days, two fucking days since she last spoke to me, ate with me, teased me or did anything with me or to me.

She hardly looked my way during the Thanksgiving brunch. I tried talking to her but all she did was ignore me. I never thought I would ever say this but it is driving me crazy.

I can't take it anymore, I wanted her to yell at me, slap me, anything as long as it meant her touching or talking to me.

Snapping out of my thoughts, I turned off the shower, letting the water drain, before wrapping a towel around my waist. Stepping out of the bathroom, to see an empty bedroom with no sign of Ella.

I walked out of the bedroom, still in my towel since there was no one in the mansion except for Ella and I. I gave my workers the rest of the week off to celebrate Thanksgiving with their families.

I didn't bother searching for her, since I knew the one place she would be in the morning. Which was the kitchen.

I sneaked into the kitchen, silently, watching as she made herself a cup of coffee. I couldn't help but stare at her, the way her black wavy hair was pack in a loose bun, her pink lips tempting, teasing me to touch them, the way her hips swayed and her ass wiggled at her every movement.

She turned around, startled to see me, dropping her cup in the process, it fell and broke into pieces, making me rush over to her.

"Shit, you scared the living day out of me." she snarled.

"I am sorry, I didn't mean to startle you." I said.

"How long have you been standing there? What are you even doing up this early? " she hissed, bending down to pick up the broken pieces.

"Long enough to see you make the coffee."bending down to pick up the shattered pieces of the cup with her." I didn't see you in the room so I came down to check on you. Are you hurt?"

Her hands briefly touched mine as we both clean up the floor.

"No I am not. " she said in a hoarse voice as she stood up.

Standing up, I looked down at her face, her golden brown eyes held a lot of anger and I knew it was all directed at me.

"Ella, I am sorry I didn't tell you earlier that Ethan and I are related, I didn't think it would mean anything to you." I said taking a step closer to her.

"Even after you saw me kissing him, I can't believe you right now. Were you ever going to tell me? Huh? ." she yelled at me with so much annoyance, crossing her arms under her cleavage.

"You only kissed him to get me pissed and I was going to tell you, I was just waiting for the right time."

"When is this right time? Oh wait let me guess, when he has is own share of me. Right? Am I some kind of whore to you?" she asked wriggling her eyebrow.

"No, damn it." I snapped, grasping her arm as I pulled her closer to me "I would never allow that scumbag to touch you inappropriately. You know damn well that I won't share you with another man. So don't ever call yourself a whore, you are my wife."

I moved my hand to her cheek, stroking her check tenderly with the back of my fingers. " Ella I am sorry for not telling you. I have never been this sorry in my life." my eyes lingered to hers for a few seconds before pulling away.

(Mature content)
She sighed, placing both her hands on my face. She pulled my face down to hers as she drew me in for a kiss. I grabbed her by the waist, putting my other hand behind her head as I kissed her harder. I kissed her back as our tongues explored the inside of each other's mouth.

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