-ˏˋ chapter two

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chapter two

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"who took jasper?"

"i don't know!" felix yelled. "if i knew who kidnapped my son i would have probably got him back already...look, jisung, i'm sorry."

as soon as felix found out jasper was missing he called jisung to let him know. even though jisung was on the other side of the world he needed someone to talk to. yes, he made a few friends in england but they weren't as close to him as jisung and minho were.

"no, no. don't apologise. you have the right to be angry. you son has been kidnapped. have you called the police yet?"

felix shook his head yet jisung wouldn't be able to see that.

"we have to wait at least twenty-four hours. chan doesn't want to get them involved either."


this time it was minho speaking.

"why not?"

felix pinched the bridge of his nose. "the kidnappers want a ransom but instead of money they want chan instead. chan has a feeling he might know who they are."

the other line went silent.

felix furrowed his eyebrows. "minho? jisung?"

"we're catching the next flight to england. sorry, jisung had to grab my phone to get the tickets."

"what?" felix spluttered. "you're coming here?"

chan furrowed his eyebrows. "what?"

"we'll call you back."

the call ended and felix's hand fell to his side.

"i'm scared," felix mumured. "i'm so scared."

chan wrapped his arms around felix's shoulders and held him close to him as felix sobbed in his shoulder.

"this is all my fault." chan mumured as he rubbed circles around felix's shoulder. "i thought i could live a normal life now."

"normal is boring." felix laughed, but he was still crying.

felix pulled away when his phone starting ringing. he answered quickly without checking the id because he was sure it was either jisung or minho.

"hello, mr bang. this is jasper's nursery calling. we just wanted to know why jasper isn't here."

"shit," felix hissed. "what should i say?"

"he's not well," chan hissed back. "say he has chicken pox or something."

"jasper isn't feeling very well today. he has chicken pox."

"that's a shame but you are aware of the fact that your son must stay away from the nursery for at least a week. correct?"

felix grit his teeth. "yes, i am very aware that jasper must stay home for a week."

felix hung up the call and let out a groan.

"that stupid nursery," he muttered. "they always look down on me. last week she had the nerve to say i rid jasper of a mother."

chan wrapped his arm around felix's waist and pulled him closer. "you're an amazing parent to jasper. you know that. we'll find him, i promise." chan kissed felix on the head.

chan pulled away and grabbed his own phone from the coffee table. he scrolled through his contacts and stopped at the contact he wanted.

"channie! it's so nice to here from you!" jeongin screamed. it didn't take the younger boy long to answer.

"hi jeongin..."

"what's wrong? you don't sound your usual self. are you okay? is felix okay? is jasper okay?"

"it's jasper!" chan wailed. "someone took him a-and i need you to help me and felix find him."

"...i'll get to england as soon as i can. just wait a bit."

"thank you."

"he's just a kid, jaemin. why does the boss want him so bad?"

the said boy shrugged. "how am i to know? boss just said to grab the kid, leave the note some where and bring him to the warehouse. "

jaemin got out of the van and his partner followed.

he opened the back of the van and pulled jasper out and shoved him towards his partner.

"take him, jeno." jaemin mumured as he walked ahead.

"should we remove the blindfold and the tape on his mouth?" jeno stroked jasper's fluffy hair. ever since he grabbed him from his bedroom he seemed to have developed a soft spot for him.

jaemin turned around. "so he can start screaming? i don't think so. remove the blindfold but keep the tape."

jeno removed the blindfold and jasper's eyes swivelled everywhere. his eyes looked panicked and it saddened jeno.

"he's just a kid," jeno mumured to himself as he dragged jasper along with him.

jeno looked down at jasper and he was staring right at him, tears brimming around his hazel eyes.

"sorry kid." jeno awkwardly pat jasper's shoulder. "if i could i would take you home but i can't."

"hurry up jeno!" jaemin yelled. "you know how impatient the boss gets!"

jeno sped up to catch up with the younger boy. even though jaemin was a few months younger than jeno he couldn't help but feel slightly intimidated by him.

he was always in a bad mood and jeno hated working with him.

when jeno and jaemin got inside the warehouse they were greeted by the sounds of boisterous behavior and a strong smell. drugs perhaps?

jaemin grabbed jasper and shoved him to the ground. "we got him."

the loud men stopped laughing and turned their attention to jeno, jaemin and jasper.

"good. very good." their boss smiled as he grabbed jasper by the collar and lifted his small body up. "you're quite a cute little boy. what a shame."

ncity in the house!

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