Chapter 9

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1 week later

We left the very next day because we didn't want to cause any more fire nation troops to gather here in kyoshi island, so we packed our things, said our goodbyes before leaving on appa to our original destination. The North Pole. Well we will be stopping at omashu, now that we have a map, we can go practically or any destination with enough resources and time.

We stopped by a lot of destinations and towns were I was revered like a idol or popular celebrity. Thank god for disguises. The only reason we didn't use disguises all the time is because we need to draw attention to ourselves from the water tribe. Still we took a few detours to throw any spies or soldiers off, so we took a bit longer than we would have normally but a day of extra travel time isn't more valuable then the lives of a few 50 people.(ps I am increasing the numbers of the southern water tribe for future events,)

My bending with air had slowly plateaued a teeny bit while I had reached the physical limits of a 12 year old. I wan no where near experienced enough but I had reached near peak body performance, so I don't have stamina problems like some people. My air bending had stagnated more on the power part but I was still progressing with control and bending subsets of air.

I had tried to bend sound but that was a colossal failure beyond a few tricks(voice Amplification). Cloud bending clouds into shapes with only air bending was also pretty good exercise. There was no mist to try and to bend. My efforts at creating a vaccum were very successful but it was extremely hard, like I am talking how hard metal bending for O.G AANG would be. I had to dedicate every fiber of my mind into containing that vaccum and a single distraction can make the vaccum Go boom.

Water bending had been coming along much better. I was able to manipulate a few waves and a few clouds with only water bending but that was mostly because clouds are more on the water than the air side of the spectrum. I didn't even have a target for blood bending but I failed when I used it on a bird. I was able to bend water vapor and most Importantly i was able to heat and freeze water in smaller quantities.

How? Using physics. Hot and cold water are just excited and bored water Molecules respectively. If you move cold water enough than it will turn hot and if you slow down water enough it turns into a block of ice. To be fair I could only convert a teeny bit of water into vapor and ice but it was still better than nothing.

Katara had been looking into phase shifting but she just didn't have the knack I had for it. She was still better than me in water bending though. Sokka had just been training physically.

Today is the day we reached omashu. We saw a large walled city which was omashu. We got off from appa and I let him go and hunt or laze around or do whatever he wanted to. We walked straight into the major city thought the entrance, while wearing a disguise, of course. Instead of looking or fumbling around I asked for directions

"Hello may I ask if you know the way too a in Where we could spend the night?"

"Oh such a sweet little boy, nowadays the children are just so rude. Just head there and turn right sweetie, be safe"

"Guys come on we are getting a room before we visit my old friend"

"You know aang, you haven't quite told us who this old friend of yours is?" Sokka looked and seemed as suspicious as I remembered.

"Don't worry you will know, after all we are visiting him tonight." The anticipation on both of their faces reminded my that no matter how strong or beloved characters these people become, they are still a bunch of kids fumbling in the dark, trying to make the world a better place.

Don't worry about all of that. I am doing what aang would have wanted, well maybe not aang but what raava would have wanted. Focus. I walked to the hotel that the old auntie had pointed me too.

" Hello we are looking to book a room for 3 for one night" the receptionist was a bit suspicious about a group of children but money greased all hands and the temptation of money outweighed the risks of getting caught harboring minors. Man even though corruption wasn't shown in the show, it definitely exists everywhere.

"Guys we have the basics we need. Let's leave, we need to meet my friend. It has been too long since we last met. I need to catch up with old times."

"Aang weren't you stuck in ice for nearly 100 years?" Katara is getting really good at asking questions. Good girls deserve head pats. So I gave her a nice pat on her head,

"Why can't someone live for more than 100 years?" The average life expectancy was very low in comparison the the civilized world and that is why seeing so many old people in the show was such a surprise.

The surprise was etched onto their faces before they gave up on trying to pry into my brain. And into my secrets.

I walked to the royal palace. The palace was made of a extremely fortified mud wall And in a simplistic but strong and imposing manner. I walked up to the doors and knocked on them with my fists and shouted "Oi bumi! You old man, still inside? Do you need a walking stick nowadays.?"

The guards immediately tried to arrest me but before they could a voice came from inside." Aang my old friend how are? Still the same..?"


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